Сфигмограф (Sphygmograph)

A sphygmograph is a device designed to record the pulse on one of the blood vessels. It allows you to determine the intensity and frequency of the pulse.

The principle of operation of the sphygmograph is based on recording vibrations of the vessel wall caused by a pulse wave. To do this, a sensor in the form of a metal plate connected to a lever mechanism is applied to the vessel under study (most often the radial artery). Vibrations of the vessel wall are transmitted to the pen, which records them on paper tape in the form of a pulse curve.

By analyzing the amplitude and frequency of oscillations on a sphygmogram, doctors obtain information about the strength and rhythm of heart contractions. The sphygmograph was widely used in medicine in the 19th century to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. Currently replaced by more modern methods such as electrocardiography. However, it remains a useful tool for studying circulatory physiology.

A sphygmograph is a medical device that is used to measure blood pressure and pulse. It is a device that is attached to the patient's arm and records changes in pressure in the blood vessels.

The operating principle of the sphygmograph is based on measuring pressure pulsation in the arteries. When the heart beats, the pressure in the blood vessels increases and then falls. This change in pressure is recorded by a sphygmograph and displayed on a graph.

The sphygmograph can be used to diagnose various diseases such as hypertension, hypotension and heart failure. It may also be used to control blood pressure in patients who are taking medications to lower blood pressure.

Depending on the type of sphygmograph, it can be either stationary or portable. A stationary sphygmograph is installed in a medical facility and is used for long-term monitoring of a patient's blood pressure. A portable sphygmograph is commonly used for short-term blood pressure monitoring at home or in the office.

It is important to note that the use of sphygmographs requires professional training and knowledge in the medical field. Therefore, if you plan to use a sphygmograph for self-diagnosis or blood pressure monitoring, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or medical technology specialist for advice.

A sphygmograph is a pulse recording device that allows you to determine the intensity and frequency of heart contractions. It is used in medicine to diagnose various diseases such as hypertension, arrhythmia and others.

The operating principle of a sphygmograph is based on measuring blood pressure in the arteries of the arm or leg. A special sensor records changes in pressure over time and then converts this data into a graph called a sphygmogram. The sphygmogram shows the heart rate and its intensity in the form of peaks and troughs.

Sphygmograms can be used to assess the condition of the cardiovascular system, determine the presence of arrhythmia and other heart rhythm disorders. They can also help diagnose hypertension and other diseases associated with high blood pressure.

However, despite their usefulness, sphygmographs have some limitations. For example, they cannot determine the exact pressure in the arteries, since the sensor can only record changes in pressure. In addition, sphygmograms do not always provide accurate information about the state of the cardiovascular system.

Overall, the sphygmograph is an important tool in medical diagnosis and can assist the physician in making treatment decisions for the patient. However, its use must be strictly controlled and carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Pulse is a rhythmic vibration of the walls of arteries or veins caused by repeated expansion and contraction of the heart muscle, contraction of the heart muscle that pushes blood from the heart into the arteries (carotid and one or two pulmonary arteries). A normal pulse can be felt in the neck (near the border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle), above the carotid artery. To check it, the patient’s hand is placed across the neck with the back side up to open the respiratory chain (special finger technique).

At this time, one of the device’s sensors touches the outer wall of the vessel. It sends the corresponding signals to a digital display that can process and display them. The appearance of the device is very reminiscent of a kind of automatic pen. It comes with a felt-tip pen for insertion into the subclan area of ​​the artery. Sphygmograph devices are manufactured both domestically (vasoton) and foreign (Paramed). Power supply: An electrical device containing batteries or connected to the mains. The readings are automatically recorded (the results are recorded automatically