Shahdanaj - Indian hemp

These are the seeds of the hemp plant. We have already talked about hemp, and now we should combine the arguments expressed in both descriptions into one. There is garden hemp, which is known to everyone, and there is also wild hemp. Hunayn says that wild hemp is a plant that rises in desert places to a full cubit; Whiteness predominates in its leaves. Its fruit is like pepper, and its grains are like the seeds of hemp, and these are the seeds from which oil is squeezed. We talked about them in the chapter on hemp seed.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Hemp absorbs the wind and is very drying. The juice generated by it is meager and bad.

Tumors and acne.
If you boil the roots of wild hemp and apply a medicinal bandage from them to hot swellings in hardened areas where there is sticky chyme, they moderate the heat and dissolve the hardening.

Organs of the head.
Due to its warmth, cannabis causes headaches. Its squeezed juice is put in drops into the ear for pain from blockages, as well as from moisture in the ears; Hemp oil works the same way. Its leaves eliminate dandruff from the scalp.

Organs of the eye.
Cannabis darkens vision.

Nutritional organs.
It is harmful to the stomach.

Eruption organs.
Hemp dries out the male seed, and the milky juice of wild hemp is a gentle laxative. Half a liter of its squeezed juice relieves constipation, expels mucus and bile. Its effect is the same as that of tincture safflower.