Shantsa Operation

SHANTSA - surgery to remove a tumor in the soft tissues of the head and neck, chin and lower jaw; a method of ligating the internal carotid artery in case of traumatic injury. Prescribed for tumors arising from the larynx, pharynx, parotid salivary glands, and the oral area of ​​the front teeth. The combination of surgery and radiation therapy dramatically reduces the number of relapses. It is used to remove the pathological contents of the parotid gland, salivary cyst and tumor. During surgery, a skin incision is made in the lower part of the ear, the wound goes down behind the auricle. The difficulty of this operation lies in the fact that tumor removal carries the risk of injury to the facial and other nerves. After cutting the scalp, it is checked whether the external carotid artery (the artery of the systemic circulation) is damaged. By bending down the outer flap of skin, the anterior group of neck muscles and its upper part are exposed to reveal the inner bed of the major salivary gland. If the integrity of the internal carotid and facial arteries is compromised, a Killian clamp is applied to the arteries, then the jugular veins are cut off in these places and sutured. During surgery to remove a tumor in the ear and face, the internal carotid, glossopharyngeal,