Sheinisa Operation

Sheinis operation is a surgical procedure developed by Soviet surgeon Vladimir Nikolaevich Sheinis in 1940. This operation is used to treat patients with lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and others.

The essence of the operation is to remove part of the lung tissue, which is a source of inflammation and infection. This reduces the number of bacteria and improves lung function.

Shanice surgery is highly effective and has a low level of complications. It can be performed either openly or through a small incision in the chest. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for about a week and then is discharged home. For several days after surgery, you must remain in bed and avoid physical activity.

Currently, Sheinis surgery is widely used in Russia and other countries of the world. It improves the quality of life of patients with pulmonary diseases and reduces the risk of complications.