Obstetric forceps

Obstetric forceps are special medical instruments that are used to remove fetal presentation from a narrow birth canal. They are a scissor-like tool that includes two handles and two blades located a short distance from each other. The purpose of using forceps during childbirth is to grasp and pull the fetus through the narrow birth canal.

The process of using forceps is as follows: The doctor or midwife determines the type of birth and then selects

Forceps are a medical accessory that is often used by obstetricians during childbirth. The product has a handle and a working part - a special fastening in the form of tongs. The operation of the device is based on mechanical action, which allows you to get to the bones and quickly pull out the baby.

This medical device has two purposes. The first is to grab the baby's head before removing it. The second is to correct excessive labor, which can lead to complications. Before performing medical procedures, the obstetric team must prepare. The obstetrician should have the following tools available: obstetrical instrument, gynecological speculum, blind or sterile tube. The doctor should also have a set of knives on hand for the first procedures.

Forceps are one of the obstetric instruments used by obstetricians and gynecologists to safely and quickly remove the fetus from the birth environment. In this article we will take a detailed look at the main characteristics, types, advantages and disadvantages of obstetric forceps, and also describe the rules for their use.

Tongs are a hand tool consisting of two jaws that