Urethral forceps

What it is?

A forceps or extractor (stamp) for removing urinary stones and foreign objects from the urethra is a necessary and effective tool for medical care for diseases of the upper urinary tract in men and women. In the urology clinic it is used for chronic progressive calculous pyelonephritis, both right-sided - mainly unilateral in nature and bilateral localization, as well as for acute pyelonephritis.

What is a slot extractor?

The device consists of an exhaust tube - a forceps-instrument and an internal device in the form of a ring or tube, which directs the therapeutic effect.

Modern medicine uses a device that has two hollow cavities. One serves as a guide for tweezers, the second - directly for removing the stone into the vessel. For faster and safer movement of the extractor, special solutions are used: novocaine 0.5%, furatsilin 1:5000