Rosehip Fruit

Rose hips: protecting your health

The variety of healing properties of rose hips is due to its composition. The beneficial properties of the fruit plant are due to the vitamin and mineral complex. The vitamin and microelement composition is typical for fresh berries of the plant. So the chemical composition of the product may vary depending on the variety and method of processing the fruit. This results in the loss of some microelements and a change in the color or size of the berries. One cluster can contain about 5-6 fruits. The average weight of one whole kistenik is 20 grams. One hundred grams of raw fruit weighs only 98 grams, so sometimes it is possible to recalculate the extract per kilo of fresh product. The pits are separated from the seeds. After washing them from the pulp, they are brewed, honey is added, and used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and colds. This is a ready-made anti-inflammatory for colds and complex treatment of other infectious diseases. The seeds contain vitamin E and thiamine. Apply