Shock Delayed

Delayed shock is a condition of the body that can occur as a result of serious injury or illness. It is manifested by severe pain, slow breathing and heart rate, as well as metabolic disorders.

One of the most common symptoms of delayed stroke is loss of consciousness. This may occur due to low blood pressure or insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. In this case, the person will be in an unconscious state, not reacting to sounds or touches.

Another symptom of delayed onset shock may be shortness of breath. This occurs because the lungs cannot function fully due to impaired blood flow. Breathing becomes heavier and the person may have difficulty exhaling. Cyanosis, a change in skin color to blue or purple, may also occur.

The third symptom of shock from an emergency may be vomiting. This is caused by problems with the functioning of the stomach and

Discontinued shock is a situation when a person is in a state of shock, but he can no longer get out of this state on his own. Because of this, he may die. Why do such situations happen? They often contain people with alcohol problems, burns, bruises and injuries.

The first degree of shock refers to mild forms. A person may have breathing problems, pale skin, dizziness, muscle weakness and headaches. The second degree is stronger. Symptoms suggest circulatory disorders and multiple problems in the functioning of the heart.

Symptoms of shock in the second stage: severe pain, weakness and decreased muscle tone, headache, hemorrhage, decreased breathing volume. In this condition, a person needs to be helped immediately, because irreversible consequences are possible. With a mild degree, it can be transferred to self-medication and repeated examination by a doctor.