Shurygina Reflex

Shurygin reflex is a method developed by Russian doctor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shurygin at the end of the 19th century. This method was based on the use of reflex connections between various organs and systems of the body.

The Shurygin reflex is that the doctor acts on certain points on the patient’s body in order to cause reflex reactions in other organs and systems. For example, if a doctor applies pressure to a point related to the heart, it may cause a change in heart rate or blood pressure.

However, the Shurygin reflex is not a universal treatment method, and its effectiveness depends on the specific case and condition of the patient. Additionally, this method can be dangerous if used incorrectly or without proper knowledge and experience.

Overall, the Shurygina reflex is an interesting and original treatment method that may be useful in some cases. However, its use should be based on the knowledge and experience of a physician, and should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Shurygina reflection is a well-known phenomenon observed among people living in Eastern Europe (particularly in Russia) and is characterized by an increased interest in news about the so-called “stars” of the stage: actors, singers and athletes. Reflective people are actively active on social networks, discussing celebrities and their actions, and these discussions are not always accompanied by specific facts, but only by emotions and assumptions. This phenomenon makes it possible to create fake news, paid for by PR specialists of certain individuals or companies.