
Sideroscopy is a blood examination method based on the use of light and optical instruments to analyze its properties and composition. This method is widely used in medicine, biochemistry and other sciences related to the study of blood.

Sideroscopy allows you to determine the iron content in the blood, as well as identify the presence of certain diseases, such as anemia, leukemia and others. In addition, sideroscopy can be used to diagnose some hereditary diseases associated with impaired iron metabolism.

To carry out sideroscopy, a special device is used – a siderophotometer. It allows you to measure the optical density of blood and calculate the iron content in it. The results of sideroscopy can be used to diagnose various diseases and monitor treatment.

In conclusion, sideroscopy is an important blood test method that allows you to identify various diseases and monitor treatment. This method can be used in various fields of medicine, including hematology, oncology and others.

SIDEROSCOPY is a method of studying a person by his hand, which is based on the ancient Indian art of "Panyavastara", one of the most important fields in the field of medicine, both in India and elsewhere. Paresharatha Gupta is the most eminent leader in this art.

Sideros Definition: Sideros refers to the magnet/metal to which the snake is attached. Magnetism - helps detect negative energy. Sideros - treats diseases of sideros (magnetism). The method is used by doctors to help a person. The sideroscopic examination method can be considered as one of the options for the so-called. the method of bioenergetic regulation (MBR), which is widely used to solve many complex problems in various areas of our lives with all kinds of addictions, neuroses, psychological disorders, stress of various kinds, both in adults and in children. During the procedure, the sideropsychallergist, who guides through himself all the biomaterial collected in the field of the subject, places both hands on the subject’s wrists, which are then smoothly compressed for 4–5 minutes. Thus, information about the physiological state of the latter enters the brain of a bioelectric specialist, at the junction of the first and second neurochromosomes. Further assessment of the information received is carried out here using the method of biochronotropic psychoanalysis. It should be noted that sideropsia has nothing to do with the methods of palmistry or graphology. This is, so to speak, a medical reality in professional linguistic practice, and carried out without the use of standard 120-year-old diagnostic methods. - Idle eyes. This is a new treatment method designed to restore visual acuity in diseases of the cornea and retina that do not require surgical intervention, for example, complicated age-related cataracts, retinopathy after ophthalmological diseases, and corneal ulcers. The proposed method of treatment is based on the unique capabilities of a natural biofield regulator, which are part of medicinal plants, so their correct combination in a variety of options gives siderops the necessary strength

Sideroscopy is the science of starlight, in particular the Sun, and its influence on life processes on Earth. Sideromerite, the Milky Way and the stars with which the Galaxies are in contact, appear from dust grains that constantly fall on the Sun under the influence of gravity.

As a result of this process, the solar corona appears. Its gravitational energy is converted into radiation energy. Thus, Sideroscopy makes an important contribution to the theory of the formation of stars and galaxies, as well as to the understanding of the formation of the Earth's atmosphere and climate.

Natural radiation from sunlight has a number of physiological effects. Cosmic radiation particles can also have a negative impact on human health, causing various types of radiation sickness. All this led to the creation of astronomical disciplines such as siderology and space ecology.