Syphiloma Primary

Primary syphiloma is a congenital persistent skin lesion that occurs in a newborn as a result of intrauterine infection of the mother by the causative agent of a venereal disease - Treponema pallidum, and occurs in the absence of complete congenital and acquired immunity to the pathogen. There are three types of primary syphiloma:

1. Solid syphiloma. Congenital skin lesions with primary syphiloma most often occur in a child in the genital area. The skin becomes soft, like rubber. The deep layers of the dermis are not affected. Sometimes blisters and pus can be seen. The baby's touch brings him discomfort, as the delicate skin in this place is irritated. Redness of the soft tissues is also observed. Treatment: penicillin antibiotics are prescribed, skin grafts may be required. The child must be frequently bathed and treated with disinfectants; 2. Soft syphiloma in the form of a small spot. The spot is moderately dense to the touch, diameter is 0.5 - 4 centimeters. Treatment is similar to the treatment of solid syphiloma. You should touch the birthmark with caution, do not rub it with a rough cloth, use moisturizers; 3. Papillomatous syphiloma. This is the rarest form of the disease, characterized by the presence of formations with a dense structure, the shape of which is different, the color is white or gray. After recovery, the spots peel off, leaving a dark mark.

Syphilis is primary syphiloma, primary acute or wounded lesion of the skin or mucous membranes. The main symptom of primary syphilis is an erosive element (primary syphiloma).

Primary syphiloma is an acute, superficial disease of the skin or mucous membrane with a characteristic rash of small, dense, translucent pink spots. At the initial stage of development, one painful “vulva” appears; the lesions begin to merge with each other, forming a large pink plaque on the skin of the lower abdomen, vulva, perineum or thighs. Over time, it becomes covered with cracks -