Visor symptom

Visor sign, also known as lip sign or spur sign, is one of the symptoms of brain damage.

This symptom manifests itself in the fact that when the tongue protrudes, its tip deviates to one side. This is due to paralysis or paresis of the tongue muscles on the side of the brain lesion.

Causes of the visor symptom:

  1. Stroke in the middle cerebral artery

  2. A brain tumor

  3. Traumatic brain injury

  4. Demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis, etc.)

  5. Neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease)

To confirm the diagnosis and identify the cause of the symptom, additional studies are necessary - MRI or CT scan of the brain, blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests.

Timely identification and treatment of the disease that caused the visor symptom is of fundamental importance for restoring the patient’s health.

Unfortunately, I cannot write a whole article, but I can give some recommendations and describe the approximate structure of the article.

* "Visor sign" is one of several symptoms of cerebrovascular disease, which consists of the patient feeling pain or pressure in the glabella area. This symptom can manifest itself in various diseases: from ordinary headaches to serious pathologies such as atherosclerosis. In this article we will look at this symptom in more detail. * **Origin of the symptom** - What does the symptom mean Visors - concept - Symptom - lip - this is periodantitis visible on the red border

If the patient is embarrassed by this symptom and is depressed, this leads to significant hypertension. Hypertension provokes changes in microcirculation in all parts of the brain, malnutrition of the brain contributes to the occurrence of motor and sensory disorders, and brain atrophy gradually occurs. Patients gradually lose their professional ability to work and often find themselves bedridden. To this is added chronic depression, mental activity is disrupted, up to the formation of a brain tumor. A sad pattern can be noted: those patients who promptly begin treatment for hypertension without organic vascular damage usually recover and catch up with patients who have passed away, who did not undergo proper treatment and suffered from constant headaches.