Cherry pit symptom

Cherry Pit Symptom: Understanding and Diagnosis

The Cherry Pit sign is a clinical phenomenon that is observed during ophthalmoscopy and is characterized by a clear highlight of the dark red fovea against the background of a pale, cloudy retina. This symptom is a sign of acute central retinal artery obstruction, which is a serious medical condition that requires urgent intervention.

The central retinal artery is an important blood vessel that supplies blood to the retina of the eye. Obstruction of this artery can result from thrombosis, embolism, or other problems that can impair the blood supply to the retina. When an artery becomes blocked, it can cause serious vision problems.

Symptoms of Cherry Pit Disease

The symptom of white semolina porridge is a well-known symptom, which is characterized by the appearance of a white spot in the central area of ​​the fundus of the eye. This diagnosis is usually given to elderly patients suffering from hypertension. White lesions (spots) appear on the fundus, which can be of different sizes. They smoothly