Curtain Symptom

The “Curtain” symptom is a clinical manifestation indicating damage to the lingual nerve, its nuclei or cortical centers of the brain. The sign is as follows: during phonation (speech, singing), the back wall of the pharynx shifts, the closure of the vocal cords is disrupted, which disrupts natural speech (not

Posterior pharyngeal syndrome is a very common phonation disorder in which the patient does not close the vocal cords completely. All variants of posterior pharyngeal stenosis (Rizzo, Parik, Rindot symptom) are considered one of the signs of tracheovestibular syndrome and are pronounced with a greater or lesser degree of severity. Each of these manifestations may also indicate the presence of pathology in the area of ​​​​the junction of the pharynx and esophagus with the apex of the arytenoid process of the main bone and the corresponding branch of the vagus nerve and the auditory tube located in the posterior part of the middle ear.