Scalenus Syndrome

Scalenus syndrome is a condition that occurs due to injury, strain, or strain in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, shoulder blades, back, or chest. The essence of the disease is that the ligaments and tendons that connect the muscles of the chest and back cannot perform their function properly. This can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as pain, weakness, numbness, pins and needles, etc. If not treated promptly, scalene syndrome can cause many other diseases and seriously impair the quality of life. Unfortunately, illness often overtakes people working in any hard work; even special equipment cannot protect against it - because it is more expensive. Also, when sitting at a table for a long time with the body in an upright position, the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders weaken over time. All of this, plus some risk factors like underdeveloped muscles, excess weight, poor posture and poor nutrition, can trigger scalene syndrome. But let’s take a closer look at the main symptoms of manifestation. The most obvious problem associated with scalene syndrome is the location of the pain. It is usually felt on the right side of the chest or in the center. As the condition worsens, the pain also spreads to the back of the cervical spine. Of course, there is also discomfort in the affected area, which interferes with normal sleep and even breathing. The sensation of pain in scalene syndrome can be acute or aching, largely depending on its nature. The next problem associated with the development of muscle tissue syndrome is the discomfort that the patient feels. There may be a burning sensation, a feeling of numbness or swelling, a feeling of heaviness or crawling on the skin. These symptoms are reminiscent of muscle tension or nerve blockade and interfere with the patient's normal comfort. In some cases, pain from the syndrome can be localized not only in the chest, neck or shoulder, but throughout the entire front of the body. This unpleasant sensation may radiate to your arms, fingers, or calves. Patients often complain of muscle weakness, especially when moving their arms suddenly or when lifting heavy objects. There is uncontrolled movement of the arms and shoulders to the sides. Violations may be accompanied by hypertension. It provokes headaches, which the patient can feel even during sleep. Sometimes people complain of tingling or sharp pain in the ribs or shoulder. This indicates the severity and neglect of the syndrome. With scalene muscle syndrome, breathing problems occur. The chest shrinks, the blood vessels squeeze. Due to the narrowing of the blood channels, swelling may appear.