Fifth Lumbar Root Syndrome

Fifth lumbar correction syndrome (5 LCS) is a fairly rare and little-studied condition that can lead to serious consequences for human health. This syndrome develops due to pinched nerve roots at the very bottom of the spine. The syndrome occurs during physical activity or sedentary work, especially when bending over.

Fifth lumbar vertebra syndrome is a condition that causes pain in this area of ​​the spine. It can be associated with various reasons, such as injuries or diseases of the spine, inflammatory processes, etc. In this article we will talk about how this syndrome manifests itself and what its possible causes are.

Symptoms of the fifth lumbar ridge syndrome Fifth lumbar sacral syndrome is a concept in clinical practice that refers to a set of symptoms that occur when the lateral branches of the thoracolumbar fascia (the fifth lumbar opening of the spinal cord) are compressed and inflamed. This inflammation sometimes leads to incomplete expansion of the lungs during inhalation. This syndrome also allows us to talk about a reduction in the range of movements in the lumbosacral spine. The syndrome is called “fifth” because such “nerve entrapment” does not lead to pathological processes of the fifth lumbar system, and therefore does not cause inflammation of the lumbar artery.

The symptoms of the syndrome depend on the degree of compression of the nervous tissue by the fascia. If the ligaments expressly compress the nerve, then swelling of the spinal substance develops. And then polyradiculoneuritis occurs, characterized by pain in the lumbar area, which radiates to different parts of the body. Pain with this syndrome often manifests itself in the calves, buttocks and thighs and intensifies when walking. The development of the syndrome is also accompanied by joint pain.

The pain syndrome in this disease can be called senestopathic. Although by “senestopathies” doctors usually mean disorders of surface sensitivity. In fact, this term refers to perverted pain sensations. Everyone has probably experienced a not very pleasant sensation in the limbs, as if goosebumps were crawling across the skin