
Synoderm: a brief introduction to the drug

Synoderm is an ointment based on fluocyanol, which is produced in Yugoslavia, the country where the manufacturer of the medicine is registered. For the end consumer, this drug, like many other medicines, can be imported by Western pharmaceutical concerns. This could be ICN Galenika (whose production facilities are located in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) or Belaseptica, registered in Yugoslavia itself. The main manufacturers are Bayer Behring Artsneimittel, Austria (a division of the Bayer concern), the Glaksona concern, Warsaw, the pharmaceutical concern Amilpharma, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, as well as the largest of the large pharmaceutical companies. Sinoderma can be additionally released in countries such as Belarus, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Israel, Romania, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Estonia and so on. In accordance with