An information retrieval system is a set of means for storing, searching and issuing the necessary information upon request. Various information retrieval systems are used in automated healthcare management systems, in scientific research and in other areas.
The main functions of an information retrieval system are the collection, storage, processing and provision of information to the user. To implement these functions, the system uses databases, search engines, and means of sorting and filtering information.
The key components of the information retrieval system are:
DBMS (database management system) - provides storage and manipulation of data;
Search engine - indexes data and searches for queries;
User Interface - Allows the user to formulate queries and obtain results.
An effective information retrieval system helps to quickly find the necessary information among large volumes of data. Its use significantly increases the efficiency and quality of working with information in a variety of areas.
The information retrieval system in healthcare is designed to find a problem specified by a doctor in the text of another specialist. As a rule, each doctor works with different materials - books, magazines, brochures or multimedia videos. But in searches they often use a medical encyclopedia, which has a database of information. There can be described many conditions of both one system and those related to each other, as well as treatment paths. The IPPS system makes it easier for a doctor to work and reduces the time spent searching for the necessary information. In their work they use: - computer-based recorders - for example, “MedExpert”, “Source”; - electronic reference and information service system, also known as IS APS. It allows you to carry out the following operations: search for medical terms, advanced search for required information, comparison of data, search for synonyms, decoding of specialized terms, certificate of illness, disease statistics, etc. After using this information base, the doctor receives complete information about the patient. Can