Sitkovsky Method

The Sitkovsky method is a surgical technique proposed by the Soviet surgeon P.P. Sitkovsky at the beginning of the 20th century.

The essence of the method is to use the original technique of intestinal anastomosis (connecting the ends of the intestine) during intestinal resection. In contrast to the methods generally accepted at that time, Sitkovsky proposed performing anastomoses not tightly, but with the formation of an opening for the outflow of intestinal contents and to prevent suture failure.

Sitkovsky's technique made it possible to significantly reduce the incidence of intestinal anastomotic leakage and mortality in intestinal obstruction. It has been widely used in surgery for many decades and has gone down in history as one of the classic achievements of Russian medicine. The name of Sitkovsky rightfully ranks with the outstanding surgeons of his time.

Valentin Pavlovich Sitkovsky is a Russian surgeon, professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. His most famous work is the method of conservative treatment of urolithiasis or the so-called “pneumocystography”.

Sitkovsky developed a number of original operations - diverticulectomy with electrocautery