Epidermo-Dermal Papule

Epidermal-dermal papules are benign skin neoplasms that are characteristic signs of some types of pyoderma and dermatoses. They appear as small bumps on the skin that can be painful but usually do not cause serious health problems.

Epidermal papules usually develop on the face, arms, legs, or back. They can be single or multiple, and come in different sizes and shapes. Epidermoid-dermal papules are characterized by two important features: the presence of purulent contents under the skin and a tendency to increase in size.

The causes of epidermal papules can be varied, but are mainly associated with a disorder of the immune system, bacterial or fungal infection. In some cases, they occur due to excess androgens (male sex hormones), which can occur in women.

Treatment for epidermal papillae involves the use of antibiotics and other medications to reduce inflammation and infection. Sometimes it is recommended to remove papules surgically, as well as reduce hyperemia or itching with medications. With proper treatment, this problem may disappear in a few weeks or months.

Despite the fact that epidema-dermal-papular lesions are a benign pathology, they can cause discomfort and worsen the appearance of the skin. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid unwanted complications.