Alkalizing Diet

Diet Rejuvenating

The Alkalinization Diet or Alkalinization Diet is a diet designed to increase the alkalinity of urine. This is important for maintaining health and well-being. The diet itself is based on foods with high urine alkalinity. For these purposes, you can use fruits, vegetables, herbs and even some herbs. For example,

**Alkalizing diet** is a diet that is aimed at increasing the acidity level of the body. This diet is based on eating foods that increase the alkalinity of urine, which improves the functioning of the kidneys and other organs.

It may be useful for people with diseases such as uric acid diabetes, metabolic acidosis and other metabolic disorders. An alkalized diet is especially effective in the case of uric acid gout, when doctors prescribe it as a complex therapy.

The alkalizing diet is based on lots of fruits and vegetables.

Alkalizing diet: contents, characteristics

The essence of alkalization: alkalization is a state of the body in which, over a certain period of time, chemical reactions occur with the formation of alkaline substances and optimal use of energy. To alkalize our body, we need a specific food product - properly processed and fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be converted into alkalized alkali. As is known, acidic microflora and pathogens cannot tolerate an alkaline environment.


An alkalinization diet is a type of diet that involves eating certain foods to increase urine alkalinity (ph) levels in the body. This article will tell you how this diet works, what foods are included in it, and why it may be beneficial for your health.