Sclerosis Acellular

**Acellular form of sclerosis** _Currently, it has been identified as a special, sclerotic, form of viral encephalitis and the likelihood has been established that it was one of the early clinical manifestations of some chronic infectious encephalitis, in particular polio, leptospirosis, tick-borne encephalitis, measles, adenoviral infection . These data suggest that sclerosis is one of the manifestations of complex dystrophic changes associated with dysfunction and vital activity of the brain._

_Skin itching, low-grade body temperature, there are general manifestations of infectious toxicosis._

_**Diagnosis based on a typical clinical picture + examination of the cerebrospinal fluid**: * At the height of the inflammatory reaction, cinnamon sticks together the internal layers of the dura mater, throughout the rest of the period fibrosis of the tissues of the cerebral membranes is moderately expressed; Along the cerebral axis there is a su