Skull I (Cranium)

The skull is not only protection, but also a support for our brain. It consists of several parts, each of which performs its own function.

The brain section of the skull consists of eight bones that are connected to each other by fixed joints. They provide protection to the brain from external influences and also maintain its position inside the skull.

The facial part of the skull consists of 15 bones. They form the face, nose, ears, eyes and mouth. The facial part of the skull also performs a protective function, protecting the sensory organs from external influences.

The skull is an important part of our body and its health needs to be maintained. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle will help maintain the health of the skull and the whole body as a whole.

Skull I or Cranium is a part of the human skeleton that performs important functions such as supporting and protecting the brain and sense organs. The skull consists of two sections - the brain and the facial.

The brain section includes eight bones that are connected to each other by fixed joints. This section protects the brain and sensory organs from external influences.

The facial section consists of 15 bones and serves as protection for the face and neck. It is also involved in the formation of the face and allows jaw movement.

The skull is an important part of the skeleton and plays an important role in maintaining human health. Without it, human life would be impossible, as it protects the brain, sensory organs and other important organs from damage.

The skull is one of the most important parts of the human body. This is protection for the central nervous system and sensory organs. The functions of the skull are far from being limited to just a protective role. Here, a complex interaction of various elements of the body occurs, ensuring the maintenance of almost all the normal functions of a living being. The skull is an integral part of the axial skeleton of vertebrates and consists mainly of two sections (parts): the cranium. This part provides support to the brain and olfactory organs. The head skull is formed by 8 brain bones fused together. Responsible for controlling the muscular process is the temporal bone, in which auditory receptors and auditory nerve fibers are located.

The facial skull contains a large number of intracranial bones that serve to support the face and teeth. It provides mutual fixation of the tongue, jaw and ears during chewing, which is a key function of the human body. The bones of the skull are closely related