Exercises for basketball players on special simulators

We continue to study technical means in sports... And now we will find out how modern basketball players and their coaches practice all kinds of shots around the hoop and accurate passes. In this article we will look at three such devices. The proposed training devices and corresponding exercises for basketball players have long been used in the daily activities of these athletes. Let's study them in detail...

  1. Electrotachistoscope simulator.
  2. A simulator for the development of peripheral vision in basketball players.
  3. A simulator for improving the accuracy of passes in basketball.

Electrotachistoscope simulator.

The simulator is used to determine the speed of solving tactical problems in basketball.

The electrical circuit diagram of the training device is shown in Fig. 1, a. The device is powered by a single battery. The galvanometer scale division value corresponds to 0.01 s.

The use of an electrotachistoscope is shown in Fig. 1, 6. The player puts the corner contact switch 3 on his hand. In the initial position, the curtains 2 of the semaphore shutter are lowered, and the athlete looks into the hole 1 drawn on the curtain, without seeing what is happening on the other side. The curtain is driven by a special electric starting device. At this time, the game situation is recreated on the basketball court. If it is necessary to measure the time for solving a tactical problem involving dribbling, passing or shooting, then the athlete has the ball in his hands in the initial position, and if it is necessary to determine the time for solving a tactical problem associated with choosing a player’s place on the court, then the basketball player is in the initial position without the ball .

In the initial position, all switches (curtain shutter, corner contacts) close the circuit in position A. In this case, the charge of capacitance C1 is 0. Then, after the preliminary command “Attention!” the shutter opens. When the circuit is opened from position A, the contacts on the gate take position B, and capacitance C1 is charged until the player assesses the situation and begins to act (gives the ball or starts moving). The circuit immediately returns to position B, capacitor C1 discharges and thereby changes the current in the base of transistor VI. The change in current is recorded using a galvanometer.

The simulator is designed to improve and improve peripheral vision for basketball players of various qualifications and ages.

The device (Fig. 2) consists of two light columns 1 (size 15X45 cm), which are divided into three sections with light bulbs of 2 different colors - yellow, green, red. The speakers are made of plywood or plastic 10 mm thick.

The speakers are mounted on the wall at a height of 170... 190 cm from the floor at a distance of 8 m from each other and connected to the remote control. Below the columns, at a height of 1 m from the floor, two circles 3 with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn. The control panel 4 is a panel with six toggle switches, with which the trainer can turn on any sections of the light columns.

The student is located at a distance of 3.5 m from the wall. He should first be familiarized with the conditions for performing the exercise. For example, when two lights are turned on, the student imitates a pass, when two green lights are turned on, he performs a pass to the right circle, when blue lights are turned on - to the left circle, etc. When students begin to perform this exercise without much difficulty, it is necessary to reduce the distance to the target.

This should be done gradually - no more than 50 cm each time. An example exercise is for the player with the ball to stand with his back to the target. When the left green light comes on, he should first simulate a pass to the right side, and then make a pass with his left hand to the left circle.

A simulator for improving the accuracy of passes in basketball.

The simulator is designed to study and improve the technique and accuracy of passes of basketball players.

The simulator (Fig. 3) consists of two player models - “defender” 2 and “partner” 1 - the player performing the pass. The dimensions of the models are the same, height 180 cm. The “defender” and “partner” models are made of 10 mm thick plywood.

The exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  1. the player with the ball stands sideways to the simulator, at the signal turns to face the layout and performs the pass in the specified way;
  2. The players sit in pairs sideways to the machine and make passes to each other. Using peripheral vision, the position of the “partner” model is controlled. At the moment the “partner” model begins to move, i.e., when it comes out from behind the “defender,” the player, having assessed the situation, makes a pass. After completing the transfer, the layout returns to its original position behind the stationary “defender” layout. The transfer can be performed with a rotation to the layout, as well as without rotation;
  3. the player dribbles the ball on the spot, with his side to the simulator. At the signal, he catches the ball and makes a pass:
  1. a) with a turn to the layout;
  2. b) without turning to the layout;
  3. c) with one hand after “picking up the ball.”

Well, and finally, for all those who like to throw a ball into a basket in their free time, we recommend the online store “Sport-Expert”, where you can purchase a professional basketball hoop with delivery and very inexpensively, and then fix it in your yard At home, as they say, it’s just a drill, a hammer, a couple of nails and 15 minutes of your time. Well, for our regular readers who are involved in building a body and building muscle mass, we also emphasize the fact that this store is also called “the world of exercise equipment” - well, draw your own conclusions. Have a productive training!

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