Slag Waters

Slag Waters: What is it and How to Use Them?

Slag water is a liquid waste that is formed during the slaking of slag during the production of cast iron. Slag waters contain various minerals and elements such as silicon, calcium, magnesium, iron and others, which can have positive health effects.

The use of slag waters for medicinal purposes has a long history. Many cultures have used slag waters to improve health as well as treat various diseases and conditions.

One of the most common ways to use slag water is in baths. Slag water baths can help reduce muscle and joint pain, as well as improve blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, slag waters can help improve the skin, reduce irritation and improve its appearance.

Slag waters can also be used to treat certain diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and others. However, before using slag waters to treat any disease, you must consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

Slag waters can be purchased in specialized stores or in factories where they are produced. They can be supplied as concentrates, which must be diluted before use, or in finished form.

In conclusion, we can say that slag waters are a healthy and natural way to improve your health and quality of life. However, before using slag waters for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor and ensure their safety and effectiveness for a particular case.

Liquid waste from iron foundries - slag waters, used for medicinal and hygienic purposes by taking a bath - are highly effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, heart and blood vessels, as one of the best balneological factors.

Slags (slag water suspensions) in Russia and abroad are obtained at foundries by carbonation with sodium silicate or other alkalis or special salts. Thus, English geologists have established that nitrogenous compounds precipitate soda and reduce carbonate slags, and, in addition, it is possible to obtain condensed slag cleaning aqueous suspensions. When quenching sodium silicate in slag, silicon dioxide crystallizes, which is separated from the mother slag solution in the form of a large number of crystalline grains of a mummy-like mass. Soda water sharply brightens the slag suspension. The sedimentation of the mother liquor is carried out first on a small amount of the mother liquor (20-30%), and the process of formation of the clay mother liquor is regulated so that it does not exceed the limits of the colloidal film of the slag suspension, due to which it becomes more stable in an aqueous solution. However, despite a number of positive qualities of slag waters, the method of their use is still not widespread. To improve the effect of slag baths, they are subject to the combined influence of the mineral, aqueous and salt composition of the slag and water, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen, the duration of the procedure and temperature. The combination of the mineral, aqueous, salt composition of slag with hydrogen potential (see pH-neutral baths), the effect on the body of these slag preparations in combination with gas baths, oxygen (oxygen baths) and other physiotherapeutic methods of carrying out procedures, make

Slag is a solid waste from the production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals from molten metal by solidifying it in special chambers. The transformation of the charge into liquid metal is called fusion, or the intermediate product before solidification is called slip. Sludge - sometimes in factory practice they mean the remaining cream after draining it.

Slag formation is a physical and chemical reaction of the interaction of metal oxides with a predominantly aqueous environment, with the formation of a stable colloidal system, liquid or in the form of a suspension or gel. Oxides, hydroxides and hydroxides that are formed during slag formation are slag formers. Among them, the most common compounds are iron, silicon, aluminum and titanium. The main idea of ​​slag is that it is a solid, opaque mass consisting of water-insoluble silicates (mainly), oxides and alumina. If the slag contains non-absorbable acids, the water is called slag acid,

Slag water is a waste of industrial production with a low degree of purification. They are usually a brown liquid with an unpleasant odor, containing various metals and other chemical elements. However, despite its unsightly appearance, slag waters have medicinal properties and are used as a balneological remedy in various medical institutions. As a rule, to achieve a therapeutic effect, a course of treatment is carried out from several baths lasting several hours or days.

The mechanism of action of slag waters lies in their physical and chemical interaction with the structures of the body. This causes an increase in blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous tissues, improves lymph circulation, relieves pain, and increases skin tone and elasticity. Experts say this therapy is an effective way to reduce swelling and inflammation.