Smas lifting before and after photos

Smas lifting is a set of procedures for deep, circular tightening and relocation of dense muscle tissue located deep under the skin of the face, front of the neck, and décolleté.

The effect of restorative manipulations is visible in the photographs before and after the adjustment, and rejuvenation and the return of the previous contours of the oval occurs without excessive stretching of the skin, changes in the line of the lips and the shape of the eyes. The duration of the period for maintaining the results of a facelift is from 2 to 12 years and depends on the method of correction, the age and physical health of the patient.

Types of Smas lifting

All existing types of smas lifting are divided into operating and non-operative (without the intervention of a plastic surgeon). But all are aimed at creating the desired effect on a specific area, or general rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté.

For comparison, the photo shows the appearance of the area before the operation and after the procedure. The tightening method is determined individually for each client in order to achieve the best result.

  1. Plastic surgery are done in case of significant age-related changes, are performed in inpatient departments, and have a long recovery period.
  2. Endoscopic method designed for people under 40 years old, it involves moving tissue through small incisions up to 2 cm, or pinpoint punctures. The method is less painful, safer and has a similar effect.
  3. Non-operative methods include hardware and ultrasound methods, in which the skin is not broken, open wounds are excluded, general anesthesia is not required and the patient’s rehabilitation time is significantly reduced. With these types of therapy, the intensity of exposure for each zone is selected separately.

Endoscopic method

Endoscopic smas lifting refers to gentle plastic surgery and consists of redistributing subcutaneous fibers through diagonal and vertical movement. With age, the facial muscles weaken, become less elastic, and the subcutaneous epidermis moves downward.

Voids form in the upper area of ​​the cheeks, sagging under the jaws and chin, deepening folds near the nose and lips, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. Through short incisions or punctures, the fibers of the epidermis are straightened and aligned, if necessary, shifted into the resulting voids, and excess lipids and fatty deposits are removed.

The process of manipulation in the direction of movement of muscle fibers and the accuracy of the deepening is controlled on the monitor. The cuts are made in small quantities, from 2 to 5 pieces, and then fixed with staples until complete healing and swelling disappears.

The operation is seamless, the incisions are hidden in the hair, behind the ears, in the mouth and are practically invisible.

It is performed under general anesthesia, but compared to the classic circular lift, the rehabilitation period is reduced to 10-15 days. Photos before and after the procedure will allow you to accurately evaluate the results and effectiveness of the lifting.

A few days later:

  1. slight swelling disappears
  2. facial oval returns
  3. wrinkles on the forehead and near the eyes are smoothed out
  4. bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks disappear
  5. the folds between the lips and nose are reduced
  6. cheekbones become expressive
  7. Blush is restored and complexion improves.

This method of tightening is recommended for women aged 30 to 45 years, when the muscles have not yet lost their restorative functions. Repeat manipulation is not required for 8-10 years, and sometimes longer. Endoscopic correction is contraindicated in pregnant women, under 16 years of age, people with poor blood clotting, with diseases:

  1. of cardio-vascular system;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. oncology;
  4. endocrine system.

Ultrasonic method

Ultrasonic tightening is produced by the action of focused pulses of sound waves on the deep layers of the subcutaneous collagen elastic coverings of the facial muscles.

To return clear contours, it is necessary to reduce the area of ​​the muscular aponeurotic layer system (SMAS) and shift it upward to its original place. This type of adjustment is performed without surgery., and is similar in effectiveness to plastic surgery.

Point radiation causes heating and contraction of tissue at a depth of up to 5 mm, without damaging the top layer of skin in the process. As a result of thermal damage to collagen fibers, renewal and synthesis of new cells begin, and the contours of the face and neck are gradually tightened. A visual increase in the effect is observed within 3-4 months.

Hardware method

Hardware types of lifting involve the use of equipment that affects the skin and muscle aponeurotic layer of laser energy, microcurrents, radio wave, light-thermal and ultrasonic pulses. These types of restorative techniques are not traumatic and do not require general anesthesia, hospital observation or long-term rehabilitation.

During laser correction, thermal radiation stimulates blood circulation and collagen synthesis, which promotes natural rejuvenation and restoration of a healthy complexion. Microcurrent therapy relieves swelling, restores the tone of the facial muscles and skin, increases blood circulation, and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system.

Radio wave correction acts on the skin and fat tissue through high-frequency current pulses. Heating collagen cells provokes their increased synthesis, renewing and rejuvenating connective tissues and skin for several months.

Photolifting is performed by the action of light-thermal rays on deep tissues and is intended to remove pigmentation, stars, and vascular network. As a result of stimulation of cell renewal function, complexion is evened out and wrinkles disappear.

The hardware method of ultrasonic smas lifting is designed for intensive impact on deep-lying, two-layer, structural tissues of the facial frame, or other parts of the body.

A focused high-intensity ultrasound wave is not scattered onto the skin and fat layer, but selectively produces targeted heating of a selected area of ​​the muscular aponeurotic layer at a given depth.

The greater the number of points of influence, the more the aponeurosis tissue contracts and tightens the layer of fatty tissue and skin. Of all the hardware methods, only ultrasonic correction tightens the frame fibers of the deep layers of tissue and achieves the best result.

Doublo and Altera devices (Ulthera Systems)

Equipment for a non-surgical tightening method was first developed in 2010 in the USA. The ultrasonic smas lifting device “Altera” (Ulthera Systems) has undergone clinical trials, after which it received a certificate of safety and effectiveness from the Drug Administration (FDA).

Later, a similar device was released by the Korean company Doublo, but already improved, with a color image and more powerful. Elimination of age-related changes occurs using a special computer program that determines the thickness of each layer of soft tissue to adjust the parameters for generating ultrasonic waves in a certain area.

The image is displayed on the monitor and the depth of exposure is selected from the picture. The radiation intensity is adjusted using 3 nozzles with different frequencies at different depths. The display shows individual layers of tissue and the amount of their contraction under the influence of high-frequency waves.

Advantages over other procedures

Ultrasonic smas lifting has a number of advantages over other methods, which are confirmed by photographs taken before and after the procedure:

  1. The skin is not damaged, there are no open wounds or sutures, as in the surgical version of plastic surgery, the possibility of infection is excluded;
  2. Correction of frame tissues can be performed at the desired depth level without cutting off excess parts of the skin layer and skin;
  3. There is no need for a long period of rehabilitation;
  4. The method is painless, does not require general anesthesia, local anesthesia with cream is sufficient;
  5. The ability to focus the impact on a specific area and depth without affecting adjacent tissues;
  6. Full overview and control of all actions through the monitor screen;
  7. No need for a repeat procedure for 2-3 years;
  8. Combination and combination with other cosmetic manipulations and hardware procedures is allowed.

Indications. At what age can it be carried out?

Indications for smas lifting are:

  1. Signs of the beginning of sliding of the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis, causing deformation and disappearance of clear contours of the face;
  2. Drooping of the upper eyelids, eyebrows, appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  3. The depression is sweet above the lips and near the nose;
  4. Sagging of the soft tissues of the cheeks, the appearance of a double chin;
  5. Flabbiness of the face and neck as a result of sudden weight loss;
  6. Time to extend the period of the previous lift;
  7. Moderate age-related changes in the condition of the skin.

This type of correction is recommended to be carried out no earlier than 35-40 years. If the patient has any congenital ptosis or facial asymmetry, or there are genetic or hereditary characteristics that cause early aging, then the procedure is allowed at an earlier age. The method is also suitable for preventing age-related changes in the neck, décolleté and face.

How long does the effect last? Photos before and after

A high-quality SMAS lifting, before and after photos will serve as proof of changes in a person’s appearance, but does not immediately give a full result.

Cmas lifting photos before and after the endoscopic procedure

With different methods, the full effect occurs in 1-4 months and lasts from 2 to 10-12 years. After the ultrasonic method, changes are immediately noticeable only partially and increase over 2-3 months, and a stable effect is maintained for 2-3 years.

Scars after lifting

During a surgical lift, excess stretched subcutaneous tissue and skin are cut off, leaving scars after the sutures are removed. They are found in inconspicuous places behind the ears, along the hairline, and sometimes in the mouth. During ultrasound correction, the skin, subcutaneous and muscle tissues are not injured or damaged, as during plastic surgery.

There are no scars, scars or pigmentation left after the procedure.


Smas correction cannot be performed if:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. presence of an implanted pacemaker;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. epilepsy;
  5. all types of infectious diseases;
  6. diabetes mellitus;
  7. inflammatory processes of the skin in the treatment area;
  8. the presence of metal implants in the affected area (except for dental crowns, gold threads).

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for the ultrasonic type of smas lifting begins with cleansing and disinfection of the working area. An anesthetic gel or cream is applied, which is washed off after 15-20 minutes, and the face is wiped with an antiseptic.

Markings are drawn, and a special gel is applied on top to facilitate the penetration of ultrasonic waves, a tight fit and sliding of the device nozzle.

How is Smas lifting performed?

The two-level system of carrying out the procedure simultaneously by two different sensors is controlled by the image on the device monitor. The emitting nozzle is applied and moved strictly along the previously applied markings.

The screen clearly displays the layers of skin, fatty tissue and the depth of the muscle aponeurotic layer, which allows you to precisely direct the flow of rays to a strictly selected area and set the depth of penetration of the waves without affecting nearby areas.

In deep structural collagen fibers, under the influence of concentrated sound radiation, point thermal coagulation occurs.

The points are the same size, located parallel and create a frame mesh of the smas layer. At these points, thermal damage occurs to the fibers, which compress and shorten in length, reducing the volume of oil, while simultaneously pulling up the layer of fatty tissue and skin covering.

The action of radiation energy stimulates the processes of synthesis of new elastin and collagen cells, enhancing the strengthening and tightening of frame, muscle, and subcutaneous structures over the next 2-3 months, causing an increase in the effect.

During the manipulation, a tingling sensation and sensitive warmth are felt. After treating one side of the face, the patient is given the opportunity to evaluate the result in the mirror, then continue working with the other half. Depending on the amount of adjustment, the process lasts from 30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

Rehabilitation period – skin care

Unlike surgical types of smas lifting, in which the rehabilitation period ranges from 2-3 weeks to 2 months, the ultrasound technique does not require recovery time. Regular washing with cool water and using moisturizing creams is enough.

What not to do after lifting

After the procedure, it is necessary to avoid physical activity and sports for a week. Postpone visiting the bathhouse, sauna, using a hot hairdryer and washing with warm water to avoid swelling. Do not sunbathe or use scrubs for 5-7 days.

Side effects and possible complications

The ultrasonic smas lifting method is safe, does not cause complications, and side effects are insignificant:

  1. Slight soreness of the affected areas when pressed stops within 1-2 weeks;
  2. Over the course of 5-7 days, partial loss of sensitivity in the treated area, swelling, or discomfort may be observed;
  3. The redness disappears after a few hours.

When does swelling go away?

The swelling remains minor, can last from a couple of hours to 2-3 days and goes away on its own.

How many times can you do it and the regularity of the procedures?

The ultrasound type of correction is performed once and is well combined with other hardware and cosmetic types of appearance restoration. This therapy can be repeated after 1-3 years, depending on age-related changes in the patient’s skin.

Correction of only some areas is possible. All Smas lifting methods are aimed at rejuvenation, this is evidenced by the mandatory comparative photos taken before and after the procedure.

The ultrasound method is offered as an alternative to the surgical method for those patients who do not want, or cannot for medical reasons, undergo anesthesia or surgery and want to obtain a result similar to plastic surgery.

Video about smas lifting

Ultrasonic smas lifting Doublo:

All about the smas lifting device:

The Internet is filled with numerous photos before and after SMAS lifting, a modern cosmetic anti-aging procedure. Some women vehemently argue that this procedure is useless and even harmful. Others, on the contrary, never cease to admire the smas-lift, confirming their words with photographs of the results. Whose side is the truth on?

We recommend: learn more about SMAS lifting.

How effective is hardware facelift - conclusions of experts

In total, both categories of women who underwent the procedure are right. A facelift, or in other words, hardware smas-lifting, is an individual process. It is perfect for some women, making their skin much more youthful, elastic and toned. At the same time, another beauty salon client may not detect any effect from the procedure at all. This is the best case scenario. At worst, the condition of the skin can change significantly and not for the better. As a rule, this happens due to ignoring possible contraindications or unprofessional actions of the master.

Brief information. The English word “SMAS” literally means “superficial muscular aponeurotic system.” It is located under the layers of skin and fiber, in places where the muscles connect to the epidermis. According to experts, tightening this particular layer (and not just the surface of the dermis) provides the longest rejuvenating effect - up to 10-15 years. The most popular is non-surgical (hardware) smas-lifting, carried out using special equipment.

“Hardware mas-lifting is usually recommended for women over 45 years old. It is during this period that the skin of the face and neck undergoes significant age-related changes. Before this age, the body usually synthesizes collagen and elastin in sufficient quantities - the aging process is not that obvious. Surgical smas-lifting can be performed at a more mature age. For many women, this procedure becomes the last chance to restore youth and former beauty to their face. However, smas-lifting is considered a fairly radical procedure. Before you decide on it, you need to make sure that other cosmetic procedures are not effective.”

Ekaterina Astafieva, plastic surgeon

“My many years of experience working with women’s faces once again confirms the simple truth - tightening only the top layer of skin is absolutely pointless. I prefer a more complex, but also more effective operation - smas-lifting. For women whose faces show obvious signs of aging, this procedure is ideal. Whatever you say, cosmetic care and alternative salon procedures are the lot of young women with tighter and fresher skin. If ptosis (sagging) and deep wrinkles affect most of the face, fighting it with creams or even injections is ineffective, if not useless.”

Alexander Nerobeev, General Director of the Art Clinic plastic surgery clinic, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Photos before and after SMAS lifting

Photos of women who have chosen smas lifting as an anti-aging procedure can be found on cosmetology websites and plastic surgery clinics. It is worth noting that most of the results are clearly positive - the patients’ skin has changed, sometimes beyond recognition.

Successful results

Most women try to take care of their face and body, regardless of age. In this case, representatives of the fair sex often resort to the latest developments. The obvious benefits of ultrasound have been adopted by cosmetologists, and ultrasound face lifting (lifting) is one of the leaders in such procedures. Properly carried out smas-lifting guarantees the following results:

  1. visual facial rejuvenation:
  2. tightened skin of the cheeks, elimination of jowls;
  3. raised corners of lips and eyes;
  4. improved view of the front of the neck;
  5. a clearer jawline and oval face as a whole;
  6. smoothing deep and fine wrinkles.

Side effects and complications

Possible consequences and complications of hardware lifting:

  1. Redness of the skin (most often disappears on its own in the first few days after the lift).
  2. unpleasant or painful sensations (systematic or with pressure).
  3. loss (decrease) of sensitivity in some areas of the skin.
  4. minimal result (or no result at all).

Attention! To reduce the risk of possible failure after this type of lift, the patient needs to carefully listen to her feelings during the specialist’s work. Normally, a slight tingling sensation should be felt. If the movements of the device cause a frankly painful reaction, you must immediately inform the specialist about this.

As for surgical smas-lifting, this procedure is considered much more serious and risky than the hardware version. Such a lifting intervention can provoke much more serious complications such as:

  1. inflammatory processes of varying severity;
  2. swelling (can linger on the face from several weeks to several months);
  3. bruises, hematomas;
  4. post-operative scars or scars;
  5. loss of skin sensitivity (the result of incorrect actions by the doctor - nerve endings were affected).

Smas-lifting is a highly effective procedure for tightening the skin of the face and neck. This technique is becoming more and more popular every year among women who want to make their facial skin flawless. According to statistics, ultrasonic lifting has no effect in approximately 10% of cases. Since the tightening procedure, both ultrasound and surgical, is quite expensive, a woman needs to take measures to avoid falling into the category of disappointed clients. The choice of specialist and clinic should be carried out especially carefully. Only a qualified master will determine the need for smas-lifting for a particular patient and carry out the procedure as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Plastic surgery has been replaced by no less effective ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which has received recognition from satisfied clients. The effectiveness can be judged by “before” and “after” photos or by reading patient comments. Both clients and cosmetologists give a positive assessment to this procedure, recommending it to friends and clients.

What is ultrasonic lifting?

There are many types of face lifting, one of which is ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which has received a lot of praise. First of all, this procedure is aimed at tightening sagging and flabby skin, correcting the oval of the face, as well as solving a number of cosmetological and aesthetic problems.

All manipulations are performed using a special device that produces ultrasonic vibrations, which, penetrating deep into the skin, have a restorative effect, improving the appearance and health of the skin from the inside.

What is the SMAS system?

The abbreviation SMAS (Superficial Muscle - Aponeurotic System) literally translates as superficial muscular aponeurotic system. To make it clearer, this is precisely the subsystem on which collagen and elastin fibers are located. Over time, they tend to slow down their work, reduce production volumes, which is why problems such as:

  1. deepening of the nasolabial fold;
  2. “sagging” of the brow ridges;
  3. double chin;
  4. "crow's feet";
  5. small and large wrinkles.

Ultrasonic smas-lifting has become a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, since the treatment occurs at a depth of 5 mm, while other types of manipulations usually affect a depth of no more than 1.5 mm. The latest models of devices are equipped with programs for determining the thickness of fat layers and muscles in order to select the optimal level of exposure.

How is non-surgical ultrasound lifting performed?

The device generates ultrasound, the pulses of which affect the muscular system through the epithelium. Having a certain direction, the ultrasonic flow leads to muscle contraction, tightening the skin. The most popular manipulations remain with the American-made Altera device, the quality of which is evidenced by reviews about lifting.

The procedure lasts from 40 to 90 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  1. skin preparation: washing and cleansing;
  2. disinfection of skin with chlorhexidine;
  3. treatment with an anesthetic composition;
  4. drawing marking lines on the face along which the ultrasonic device will move (usually problem areas are the neck, nasolabial folds, forehead, areas around the eyes and mouth);
  5. impact on the skin along the drawn lines with a hardware manipulator.

Lifting using the Doublo device (Korea) is popular, the smas technology of which is in great demand, as evidenced by reviews from cosmetologists. In beauty salons, lifting is often carried out using the Haifa machine, the American manufacturers of which took care of the targeted effect of smas-lifting, which was reflected in the enthusiastic reviews of consumers.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasonic lifting

This method of rejuvenation is suitable for women facing the following problems:

  1. age and expression wrinkles;
  2. loss of turgor;
  3. unclear relief;
  4. sagging skin;
  5. formation of a double chin;
  6. drooping eyebrows;
  7. ptosis of the upper/lower eyelid;
  8. decreased density of the subcutaneous structure;
  9. pronounced folds;
  10. sagging skin.

In cosmetology, Hifu lifting is carried out to maintain the effect after lifting procedures.

Not recommended

Despite its safety and non-traumatic nature, SMAS lifting has contraindications. Stop factors for this procedure may be:

  1. pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. diabetes;
  3. cardiovascular diseases;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. oncology;
  6. exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  7. epilepsy;
  8. frequent seizures;
  9. inflammation of acne;
  10. ulcers;
  11. infectious diseases of the dermis.

Advantages of non-surgical SMAS lifting

The main advantage of ultrasonic lifting is the absence of surgical intervention, despite the fact that the effect is practically no different from a full-fledged instrumental operation.

SMAS differs from many other anti-aging techniques by the following advantages:

  1. establishing the required level at which restoration will occur;
  2. adjusting the depth and power of ultrasonic flow;
  3. correction of any zones;
  4. no pain;
  5. high-quality and long-lasting results;
  6. there is no risk of scar formation;
  7. short recovery period;
  8. carried out regardless of the time of year;
  9. has a cumulative effect that prolongs the duration of the effect obtained;
  10. compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  11. safety.

Altera-System in the hands of an experienced specialist will not cause damage to the skin, and SMAS lifting will get rid of long-term problems in a few minutes, as evidenced by real reviews from patients in cosmetology clinics.

What do we get as a result?

As a result, noted in most reviews of ultrasound lifting, women gain a smooth skin surface, even tone, velvety, nourished, and renewed at the cellular level; ultrasonic SMAS lifting will bring even more benefits, which will be better understood by customer reviews.

Does the method have any disadvantages?

The method practically does not lead to side effects and undesirable consequences, therefore the list of its disadvantages is extremely small. But in fairness, it’s worth listing the shortcomings that real reviews of Altera’s SMAS lifting indicate. Thus, SMAS lifting with the Altera apparatus is mentioned in some reviews in a negative way:

  1. high price;
  2. risk of disruption of the connection between nerve endings and the central nervous system (in case of careless exposure);
  3. incorrect facial contouring.

This is where the indignation ends, and the procedure still compares favorably with other proposals from the cosmetology industry.

Is it possible to combine ultrasonic SMAS lifting with other cosmetic techniques?

As noted earlier, the non-surgical Hifu or Ulthera SMAS lifting technology can be used in combination with other cosmetic procedures. Reviews from girls say that lifting was used in tandem with the following techniques:

  1. Botox injections;
  2. filling for contour correction;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. biorevitalization;
  5. microdermabrasion.

Note! If a combination of other procedures leads to a conflict, manifested in visible complications on the skin, then ultrasonic lifting is compatible with a number of procedures, in combination with which it will make the skin ideal.

Types of devices for ultrasonic SMAS lifting

Domestic cosmetology gives preference to three main manufacturers of units for ultrasonic lifting. The leaders today are the brainchildren of American, Korean and Chinese manufacturers. Each model has a similar operating principle, but at the same time there are some differences.


Altera SMAS - lifting, popularly called simply Altera-SMAS, came to our beauty salons from America. The main feature of the device is computer software that automatically determines the thickness of the tissue layers. Based on these data, the depth of the muscular aponeurotic layer is determined, and Deep Sea technology accurately builds the necessary parameters for working at this level.

Ultrasonic lifting Altera (Ulthera) has collected many reviews not only from foreign users, but also from Russian clients. But in comparison with other devices, some clients noted pain after the procedure, so it is not recommended for people with a low pain threshold.

Hifu-lifting is a well-known and widely used procedure, characterized by a targeted effect on non-problem areas. The result is visible after the first session. Coagulation is aimed at connecting soft tissues and layers of skin, thereby, as if “stitching” scattered areas. Restoration is carried out at a depth of 1.5 to 4.5 mm. After Hifu techniques, the effect lasts from 1 to 2 years.

Hifu in cosmetology also appeared from the USA, and is great not only for aging skin, but also for eliminating the problems of people facing sudden weight loss.


Doublo System is a device for ultrasonic SMAS lifting, which also does not have negative reviews. Equipped with the latest technology, the device produces more pronounced results. The range of problems solved by this technology is wider, since it can counteract more serious age-related complications.

Photos before and after ultrasound SMAS lifting

Lifting with ultrasound Altera, Dublo or similar technology has a colossal effect, which can be assessed here and now. The effect of ultrasonic lifting is described not only in reviews, but is also clearly visible in the photo. Thus, the contours of the cheekbones became more pronounced and structured, the corners of the eyes rose up, fine wrinkles disappeared, and deep ones became less pronounced. The facial tissues of all the women in the photo are tightened, and rejuvenation is visually noticeable.

In some cases, you can see that the sagging skin in the chin and neck area has become tightened and elastic, the skin on the cheeks is now more elastic and firm, the asymmetry of the lips has disappeared, the so-called “bags” under the lower eyelid are also eliminated.

We could go on and on about the effective effects of lifting on appearance, but it is better to personally compare the situation “before” and “after” ultrasonic lifting.

Patient reviews

Since everything is advertised today, it is very difficult to focus on a truly worthwhile option. Only those who have already tried this option on themselves can help distinguish a quality offer from a hopeless fashion trend. Therefore, it is useful to familiarize yourself with objective reviews of ultrasonic facelift SMAS-lifting.

“Before visiting a cosmetologist, I was a supporter of home medicine, but when minor skin problems were replaced by quite serious wrinkles, I decided to seek help from a specialist. For a long time I couldn’t decide on the procedure, the master advised the alter. At first I didn’t see the difference and was very upset, but after 3 days I saw a completely different reflection in the mirror. Now at 48 they don’t give more than 37. The effect has lasted for more than 2 years.”

“The ultrasound helped get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes. Just one procedure is enough! It doesn’t hurt at all, there are no unpleasant sensations and the effect lasts a long time. I recommend it to everyone!”

“I regularly used hyaluronic acid fillers for rejuvenation, but the last time I felt some irritation on my face. I was very scared and decided to stop the executions, but a year later I came across an article about Hifu-lifting and decided to try it on myself. The cosmetologist did everything carefully and correctly, did not find any deviations, but the skin seemed to have found a second wind: the face became smooth, and it felt very soft and pleasant to the touch.”

“I don’t know who considers this procedure painless, but for me it’s not very pleasant. I don’t recommend doing smas-lifting before the age of 35, because it’s a pretty strong technique. At this age, mesotherapy will do an excellent job, but after 40 it is better to do one ultrasound lifting and enjoy the effect for several more years.”

“I know from my friend’s example that it works. When I saw her after the session, I thought that I had plastic surgery - the effect was so enchanting! The cheekbones became very expressive, the eyebrows rose upward, making the look more open, and the skin became very clean and silky.”

“The procedure is really not a pleasant one, and those who want to become a beauty will have to be patient. I “suffered” for about 40 minutes, but it was worth it. They removed uneven spots after acne and smoothed out nasolabial folds. One minus is that the shade of the face is slightly different from the neck, so I’ll save up money and go to the appointment again.”

“My skin has noticeably changed, wrinkles and double chin have disappeared. I am 200% satisfied with the result. The downside was that it took about 5 days for me to recover from the altera, and the swelling did not go away. Therefore, you need to be patient and not panic: the result also does not appear immediately. The cosmetologist warned me that the effect will appear no earlier than 5 days.”

"It works! Phrases from cosmetologists about the “cumulative effect” are not just sound. At first I was skeptical about this technique, especially for such an amount, but when I began to delve into the process, I decided to try it. As a result, all the above-described effects are obvious. I really liked it! The main thing in this matter is not to get hooked by charlatans or bad specialists.”

“I don’t even want to hear everyone who writes that this is a scam and nothing works. Look for normal specialists who know how to work with equipment. Check certificates and certificates, pay attention to reviews about the clinic. Last year I paid 80 thousand rubles, the effect was already in a month, and I still walk like “new”. Yes, I didn’t look 30 years old, but I managed to solve specific problems.”