Snail gold volume filler reviews

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Review of Snail Gold snail cream: anti-aging care and moisturizing

Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back. After many years of public declarations of love for Thai cosmetics, and even with a meticulous examination of ingredients, picky reviews of all this, today I have to advise readers a lot on the selection of individual care. And since I recommend snail creams to almost everyone and for any skin type, one of the most popular questions is which one is the best. Today I will give an example of one of the undisputed leaders in my personal hit parade of creams based on snail mucus - Snail Gold Cream made in Thailand.

Review of Snail Gold Cream: a 4-year love story

I first tried this rather modestly priced cream, accessible to everyone, back in 2015. It was quite immature then: the design and utilitarian properties were somewhat immature, childish. Back then, this baby was in a banal screw-on can, and its smell was somewhat swampy - like something from a seafood market in the shellfish section. The manufacturer then, for some reason, could not cope with the aromatization of its product, and, I remember, this scared other girls away from it.

But today Snail Gold has matured, matured and is generally in full bloom of strength and consumer qualities compared to our first meeting.

  1. The packaging has changed. Now it is equipped with a dispenser in the form of a solid button that replaces the cream cap. You press it and squeeze out exactly the amount that is required for one procedure. Practical.
  2. The color changed from dirty yellow to transparent whitish, reminiscent of transparent milk jelly.
  3. There was no trace of the unpleasant smell left. Now the aroma - it can rightfully be called that - clearly reminds of medicinal herbs. And they are present in abundance in the composition, which we will discuss below. By the way, the list of active ingredients has not changed: it remains as rich as it was. Adding something there would probably be a case where “too much is good is also not good.”

Let's go directly to the review and list the advantages and disadvantages.

Why I love Thai Snail Gold.

  1. High-quality hydration. The next morning, the skin seems to be saturated with moisture to the limit, and this feeling lasts all day.
  2. Even and smooth. Because filler, which means “filler” in English. Indeed, all the small wrinkles - and I already have them! - as if they are filled with water from the inside, and due to this they seem to swell. In other words, skin turgor is strengthened.
    Existing irregularities in the form of post-acne scars also become less pronounced.
  3. The complexion is also fresher and more even.
  4. Softness and tenderness. Like a peach. And period.
  5. Helps prevent the appearance of age spots. Here, under the subequator sun, there is a serious problem of early photopigmentation. And I have to constantly select products to help my skin so that at 35 I don’t look like a seasoned matron of about 60 who has neglected sun protection all her life.
  6. Very economical consumption. A 15 g package is enough for a couple of months of daily use.

In recent months, my standard skincare routine has included Snail Gold at night, alternating with retinol cream. Sometimes I even hear now that time is working for me in this regard. This is what high-quality, carefully selected care means!

However, our snail cream is distinguished from the gray mass of the majority by a very impressive list of active natural ingredients. Together they form a well-coordinated team for night reconstruction, smoothing, healing, lightening and generally all kinds of skin refining.

  1. Snail mucus filtrate.
    How many times have I sung in my opuses the allantoin it contains, which is capable of unprecedentedly effective skin restoration. It smooths out wrinkles, thickens them, treats acne, narrows pores, and evens out post-acne scars. Gold, not a cosmetic component!
  2. Aloe vera.
    Bactericidal, healing, deeply moisturizing effect. By the way, did you know that aloe also contains a plant variation of the same allantoin? So take this knowledge from me. Otherwise, I still can’t keep him inside me.
  3. Centella asiatica.
    The extract of this plant is another wonderful natural skin regenerator and skin rejuvenator. They like to include it in various healing and anti-aging products.
  4. Kojic acid.
    Organic component that perfectly copes with excessive pigmentation
  5. Green tea extract.
    Antioxidant. Tones, stimulates blood circulation and improves complexion.
  6. Hyaluronic acid.
    Together with aloe vera and snail mucus, it forms a real hydration bomb. Deep, long-lasting, noticeable.
  7. Vitamin E.
    One of the most important in anti-aging products. Also helps heal, nourishes and slows down aging.

Here is such an impressive ensemble of seven caring components. In my opinion, great job. I highly recommend it!

Where to buy Snail Gold cream at the best price

Of course, on the website Let's look:

With wishes of beauty, health and prosperity, sincerely yours, Marta.

Snail Gold cream, in my opinion, is a must buy! Firstly, snail cream produced in Thailand is unique in its properties for the skin. And secondly, the effect of snail cream (Snail Gold cream) is such that it should definitely be in every girl’s cosmetic bag. If you are not going to Thailand yet, it doesn’t matter. You can also find this cream in Russia and it costs quite adequately, and the effect on the face is simply amazing! I have already written about one Snail cream, today I continue my story about the second one, similar, but not the same.
Snail gold snail cream is delight and joy at a reasonable price. Even if you don’t use anything other than hand cream, don’t pass by the “snail”, it’s a really cool thing. Read!

Snail extract – what is it?

In my first article about Snail cream I have already described what snail mucus is and how it is obtained. Let me remind you that not one
the snail was not harmed, and they give up their mucus voluntarily, to our delight, while they themselves grow and live in greenhouse conditions and eat green leaves.

Snail mucus is used by the snail itself not only for movement, but also for the restoration of the shell. It contains chitosan,
a bunch of all sorts of useful substances and people have discovered that snail mucus is simply necessary in cosmetics, because it regenerates, rejuvenates,
cleanses, helps maintain skin elasticity and youth.
In my opinion, snail cream with snail mucus is one of the best anti-aging skin remedies; it is generally universal.

Who can use snail cream? All. There are no age restrictions. Snail mucus cream can be used by a teenager with problems
acne and acne, as well as an adult woman who struggles with crow's feet, or annoying wrinkles between the eyebrows.
Snail mucus is also added to anti-cellulite creams, serums, and serums for the décolleté area. Snail mucus helps remove or prevent
stretch marks during pregnancy.

Snail mucus or snail mucin has been a hit in Asia for several years. It is added to body creams, facial washes, scrubs, serums and serums.

Snail Cream Snail Gold Volume Filler 7 in 1 – review

Snail cream 7 in 1 – 7 excellent active ingredients

Snail Gold Volume Filler 7 in 1 snail cream appeared in 7/11 stores to replace the snail cream that I wrote about last time.
I don’t even know, unfortunately or fortunately, but the first cream with snail disappeared from sale, and Snail Gold Volume Filler 7 in 1 Snail Cream
It's been on the shelves for a couple of months now.

Update from 09/04/2017

Neither cream No. 1 with snail Snail Blink no longer at 7/11, nor Snail Gold 7in1 Filler. You can no longer find them in Pattaya.
But residents of Moscow and Russia can rejoice. In the online store Both the first and second are in stock and at a normal price.

If you compare these two snail creams, they differ slightly in composition and smell. And so, the dispenser is the same and the effect is similar. In my opinion, Snail Pink is ideal for young skin, and Snail Gold is ideal for older skin. After 27-30 years.

Snail Cream Snail Gold Volume Filler 7 in 1 – smells bright, but pleasant, the smell is unobtrusive.
I’ve already gotten used to the fact that face creams either don’t smell of anything, or at most have a slight smell of fresh cucumber.

Both creams - Snail Pink and Snail Gold are good. Snail Gold has a very cool anti-aging effect for aged skin, after 25 years and older. Snail Gold cream is called 7 in 1 for a reason, it contains 7 cool anti-aging ingredients and wrinkles are smoothed out right before your eyes. There is no feeling of tightness, perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, mattifies, relieves skin irritation and removes pigmentation.
Snail Pink also tightens, relieves redness, treats acne, mattifies and tightens pores, has a whitening effect, helps fight freckles and age spots.

Composition of Snail Gold cream

snail cream – snail mucus – ingredients photo

Snail secretion filtrate – snail mucus in snail cream is a quite expected ingredient. What does snail secretion filtrate do in the cream?

Purified and filtered snail mucus in a cosmetic cream fights skin sagging, helps get rid of age spots,
prevents the growth of bacteria, improves the appearance of the skin, rejuvenates and cleanses, removes inflammation and the consequences of burns.

In fact, snail mucus is a very necessary thing in your cosmetic bag. Suitable for literally all problems.
It fights cellulite, stretch marks, dullness and aging of the skin, in general it’s a thing!

Vitamin E – the name – tocopherol is translated as promoting birth. Vitamin E is one of the most beneficial vitamins for the skin, everyone knows this.

Snail cream with vitamin E helps to stop the aging process, regenerate faster, moisturize the skin, accelerate the healing of wounds on the face,
Vitamin E can save you from scars, stretch marks and damage to the skin. Vitamin E also helps absorb vitamin A, which is known to be responsible for
for skin elasticity.

Aloe Barbados Leaf Extract – protects the skin from free radicals, anti-aging, moisturizes and nourishes. Heals wounds, cuts,
fights acne and acne. Aloe Barbados extract added to snail cream is an effective remedy, proven over centuries in the cosmetic industry.

Kojic acid – blocks melanin synthesis, whitens. The effect of kojic acid is cumulative, if you use the cream with it for 4 weeks or longer,
fights age spots, pigmentation, freckles, etc. Kojic acid also solves acne problems by acting as an antibacterial agent.

Sodium hyaulauronate – sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a very important component of face cream,
since if you imagine that muscle fibers are springs, then hyaluronic acid is a liquid that helps keep these “springs” in good shape.
Because the skin itself loses a lot of moisture, especially with age. Penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturizing it, making the skin soft and smooth,
promotes skin regeneration without scars and scars.

Camellia sinensis - Camellia sinensis extract – an evergreen plant from the tea family. Camellia sinensis contains tannins, caffeine, and cosmetic
Camellia sinensis products are valuable because they preserve the youth and beauty of the skin, fight against aging by softening the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Camellia sinensis is a natural antioxidant, which contains a high content of polyphenols, vitamin E, vitamin B2, C and K group of vitamins.
The cream, which contains camellia sinensis extract, improves microcirculation of the skin, improves blood circulation, cleanses pores, strengthens the walls of small

Сentella asiatica extract (gotu, kola, tiger grass) – centella extract in snail cream stimulates collagen synthesis, smooths out wrinkles, and helps the skin gain a firm, healthy appearance.
Snail cream, which contains centella, has a number of properties: healing, restorative, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-burn.
Centella extract is added to anti-wrinkle, anti-cellulite and skin care creams to rejuvenate and restore skin elasticity.

In Asia, centella extract in the form of capsules and ground leaves has been used for hundreds of years in the fight against varicose veins, excitability, burns and inflammation of the skin.
In addition to essential oil, centella extract contains rare acids - asiatic and madecassic.

How to use snail cream?

The manufacturer recommends applying Snail Gold Volume Filler 7 in 1
2 times a day – in the morning after washing and in the evening before bed.

cream with snail - it’s so slimy

In reality, you can use it as you wish, apply snail cream under makeup, “grease” pimples in medicinal
For this purpose, I mix snail cream with natural aloe gel and apply it after a day on the beach, when the skin is “burning.”

Cream with snail - what is the effect of use?

snail cream is an excellent dispenser

After several months of use, I can say that snail cream is probably the cheapest product that so effectively fights the first signs of aging.

It really lightens pigmented areas (I have freckles), really reduces the appearance of wrinkles, the snail cream lasts a long time.

Yes, here’s another thing about the jar, super important!
You already know that the jar of snail cream has a pump dispenser. This fact allows you not to get into the cream with your hands or a spatula, which prevents the growth of bacteria.
But the most important thing is that the jar unwinds!
And you can pour any other cream into it and use this super-convenient jar of jator.

All the girls, I’m tired of writing, I think I’ll end here. If I forgot something, I’ll add it.
If you have any questions, ask!
Good luck to everyone and beauty!

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Natural cream filler for the face with snail mucus Snail Gold volume filler 50 gr. Thailand

Snail Gold Volume Filler Anti-Aging & Skin Tightening 50 gr. Thailand

A nourishing cocktail will allow you to restore and maintain youthful skin!

Cream filler is a painless, safe, affordable alternative to cosmetic injections!

Thanks to its special composition, the product helps achieve fantastic results when used regularly! By nourishing and moisturizing the skin, filling every cell with a set of valuable substances, the cream fights tone and relief defects, inflammation, dryness and hyperpigmentation, smooths out wrinkles from the inside, and gives the oval clarity and expressiveness.

Snail slime - a hypoallergenic component that solves a huge range of problems: rejuvenates, evens out, softens, mattifies, soothes, tightens, protects against external aggressive factors that cause aging.

Hyaluronic acid binds water molecules, providing a long-lasting moisturizing effect, normalizes the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the body.

Kojic acid gently whitens pigmentation, making the complexion light and radiant.

Aloe vera, a source of more than 200 useful substances, promotes lifting, eliminates pimples and acne, fights swelling, dryness, and sagging.

Centella increases the rate of collagen production by 30%, thereby making the fight against even deep wrinkles effective.

Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals.

The cream has a pleasant, economical consistency and a subtle aroma; it is easy to apply, absorbed without stickiness or grease, immediately providing comfort and incredible smoothness.

A magical remedy, the power of which lies in its harmonious composition, will give you joy from use and a flawless reflection in the mirror!


  1. Snail mucus filtrate,
  2. Centella Asiatica extract,
  3. Aloe vera,
  4. Camellia leaf extract,
  5. Kojic acid,
  6. Hyaluronic acid,
  7. Vitamin E.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply to clean, dry skin with massage movements.
  2. Use regularly.


  1. Thailand?

In stock:

  1. Moscow
  2. Lakes

If the product is not in stock, you can pre-order it from the manager.
