Social status affects blood composition

It turns out that different blood flows through our veins - the rich have one, and the poorer people have a completely different one. This was stated by specialists from the European Center, which deals with problems of human health and the environment.

Doctors conducted a study in which they checked the blood composition of volunteers with different social status. First, experts determined the composition of the blood, and then compared it with belonging to a particular social class.

Heavy metals and their compounds were found in the blood of people with low incomes, this is explained by the fact that they live in polluted areas with industrial complexes, work in hazardous industries, and also eat semi-finished and low-quality products.

The rich had no less toxic substances in their blood, and all of them were also more dangerous. For example, the blood of people with high incomes contains benzophenone-3, thallium, perfluorooctanoic acid and phthalates ("thanks" to expensive cosmetics), arsenic and mercury (from expensive seafood).