Gymnastics for the lazy

Gymnastics for the lazy: awaken your body with light exercises

Morning is a time when many of us have difficulty waking up and feel lazy. However, even if getting up 20 minutes earlier seems like a real torture, we can help you start the day with energy and vigor. In this article we will talk about simple gymnastics that you can do without even getting out of bed.

Morning exercise has many benefits. It helps awaken the body, improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles and prepare for an active day. You don't need special equipment or a trip to the gym - all the exercises can be done right in bed.

Here are some exercises to help you wake up and recharge your batteries:

Exercise 1: Start by lying on your back and relax. Place your palms on your stomach. Take a deep breath, pushing your abdominal wall forward. Hold for a couple of seconds and exhale slowly, pulling your stomach in. Repeat this exercise ten to fifteen times. If you find it difficult to perform the exercise with your legs extended, you can bend your knees. This will help disperse blood in the abdominal area and activate the body.

Exercise 2: Roll over to your left side and assume a fetal position with your back arched and knees drawn toward your chest. Place your right hand on your right hypochondrium and take five to fifteen deep breaths. Then roll over to your right side and repeat the exercise. This will help clear the bile ducts and relieve tension in the intestines.

Exercise 3: Lie on your stomach and extend your right arm in front of you and pull your right heel back. Hold this position for a few seconds, then repeat the same with your left arm and heel. After this, extend both arms forward and stretch them upward, trying to pull your heels down. This exercise will help stretch your spine and improve its flexibility.

Exercise 4: Get on all fours and arch your back upward, creating an arch. Hold this position for a few seconds, then bend your back down, as if crawling under an invisible obstacle. Stay in this position for a few seconds. After completing the exercise, it is recommended to repeat it several times. This exercise will help stretch and strengthen your back, as well as activate your core muscles.

Exercise 5: Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the bed. Smoothly lift your pelvis up, creating a bridge, and lower it back onto the bed. Repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times. This exercise will help strengthen your gluteal muscles and stretch your back.

Each of these exercises can be done several times, repeating them with leisurely and smooth movements. In addition to morning exercises, it is also recommended to do stretching and other physical exercises throughout the day to keep your body in shape and increase your overall physical activity.

A little exercise for the lazy can help you wake up, improve your mood and prepare for an active day. However, before starting any physical activity, especially if you have any medical problems, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Gymnastics for the lazy: keep fit while traveling

Busyness and lack of time often prevent us from exercising, but there is an easy way to stay fit and healthy even during your daily commute. You can do the exercises directly in transport or while waiting for a bus or train. Make the most of this time and make exercise for the lazy part of your routine.

One way to boost your energy and strengthen your abdominal muscles is to do abdominal exercises. While you are waiting at the bus stop, draw in your stomach and try to hold this tension for as long as possible. Repeat this exercise several times, relaxing your stomach between repetitions.

To keep your legs slim, you can do a few simple exercises. As you stand, tighten your leg muscles and raise yourself onto your toes, remaining in this position until you feel tired. Imagine that you are trying to touch your toes together. Lean on the balls of your feet as if pulling your toes towards each other. Relax and repeat the exercise, spreading your fingers to the sides.

Hand exercises can also be done in transport, even if you are holding a handrail. Pull your hand down hard, as if trying to hang on the handrail. Maintain tension and remain in this position until fatigue appears. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Then, holding the top rail with one hand, push it up from the bottom, as if lifting a barbell. Repeat the same exercise with the other hand. Don't forget your shoulders and chest. The horizontal handrail, located at waist level on most public transport, can be your exercise machine for these muscles. Grasp it with both hands and tense your muscles, as if you are trying to break the handrail. Maintain tension until fatigue sets in. Then, without changing position, press the handrail with both hands, and if you get tired, push it from the bottom up. Gradually reduce the distance between your hands while performing this exercise.

Don't forget about your waist. To do this, grab the vertical handrail with one hand and imagine that you are turning to the left. Apply resistance with your hand to create tension in the muscles. Hold this position and then change hands, turning in the opposite direction.

No matter what type of public transport you are on, these simple exercises will help you stay active and strengthen different muscle groups. They can also help you relax, relieve nervous tension, and keep your body flexible.

Remember that safety should always be your priority. Make sure you exercise in an environment that does not pose a danger to you or others. If you experience discomfort or pain during exercise, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

So the next time you find yourself in public transport or waiting for a bus, take advantage of this time to do gymnastics for the lazy. Apart from the physical benefits, it will also help you use your time more efficiently and start your day with energy and a positive mood. Have a pleasant and useful journey!