Plum-Cherry juice

Plum-cherry juice boasts a lot of useful substances, vitamins B, C and B12. Manufacturer of this juice: Azov Food Plant. Country of origin: Russia. And, as the famous pediatrician Gennady Starshenbaum said, I don’t recommend giving juices to the youngest children until at least 3 years of age! Yes, of course, there are sugar-free juices for children in the world, but they are quite expensive. Children's products must have the "3+" sign. For example: Armenian apricot juice - from the well-known company "Barin" - is presented on supermarket shelves in unlimited quantities. Some are even sure that they have a lot of these products in their stores. However, don’t be fooled, just once having tried that same juice from our childhood, you understand that that juice was prepared differently, and this option is completely unsuitable for kids. It is better to drink compotes and fruit drinks prepared by your child yourself.