
Somnogen is a homeopathic sleeping pill indicated for the treatment of insomnia and sleep disorders in adults and children. This is a homeopathic combination consisting of three types of hemlock (Lupulus), passionflower (Passiflora) and potassium bromide (Kali brom). The main active ingredient is Ignatia granules.

The production of the drug is carried out by the company Gomeopharm (Russia). Somnogen comes in the form of granules that can be used either orally or rectally.

Indications. Indications for the use of Somnogen are difficulty falling asleep or sleep disorders. The drug can be used for heavy loads, stress, weather dependence, hyperadrenectic disorders, asthenic conditions, hypotension, pathology of the cardiovascular system and even impotence.

Contraindications. Contraindications to the use of Somnogen include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug has virtually no side effects, but as a homeopathic drug it can be an effective alternative for those who cannot take chemical-based sleeping pills.

Interaction. The use of Somnogen is safe to combine with other homeopathic medicines in accordance with the rules of homeopathic medicines. In some cases, the drug can improve the patient's condition and relieve pain or inflammation caused by an infectious disease. Somnogen may also have a sedative effect. Therefore, if the patient is already under the influence of sedatar, then using Somnogen together with them can enhance the effect of the latter. It is important to note that Somnogen belongs to homeopathic medicines and can be used in children, pregnant and nursing mothers as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

Literature. Information about the drug Somnogen includes instructions for use, the manufacturer's prospectus, patient reviews and registration data of the drug published in the Russian Medicines Register.