
Somnol - a sleeping pill

A derivative of cyclopyrrole, pyrazidol has an anticonvulsant effect. Its effect is less pronounced than that of other pyrazole derivatives. It has virtually no effect on the central nervous system: excitations and disturbances in the psychological state such as dystonic phenomena are very rare and mainly with systemic use. Gently regulates the bioelectrical activity of the brain, leading to a slowdown of the main EEG rhythms. Stimulates sleep. As a result of the experimental procedure of a conditioned motor reaction in rats, it was established that, unlike ethalizol, zopiclone maintains an adequate motor reaction under conditions of perverted learning and significantly stimulates cortical activity in normal animals. Some authors believe that this mechanism is associated with an increase in receptor-type processes and a decrease in parabiotic processes in brain structures. The drug is used to treat insomnia of various origins: psychogenic, situational and other types of insomnia. An anti-anxiety effect is noted. Zuclopenthixol is used much more often for anxious transient conditions, but increases affective activity by stimulating nonspecific reactivity of brain structures and increasing pathological arousal, even without increasing the dose; 3 times less effect on the main EEG parameters in patients compared to zolpiclone.