A modern archer, and training equipment for his preparation.

And what modern designers and developers of sports equipment can’t come up with to achieve coveted prizes at international competitions! We have already reviewed a huge number of specialized simulators for representatives various sports disciplines, but until now nothing has been said about the current apt Robin Hoods, - archery, and educational and methodological devices and devices for their preparation. The time has come to eliminate this annoying gap...

How can a beginner learn to shoot a bow? How to shoot a bow correctly? Then, how to shoot with a bow, hitting only the bull's eye? And finally, how to bring your technique to perfection? – sooner or later every self-respecting archer is puzzled by these questions, and the three devices we are considering are designed to help him find the right answers to all these questions...

  1. Training device for strength training of archers.
  2. Archer training device.
  3. Portable training device for archery.

Training device for strength training of archers.

To learn how to shoot correctly, athletes visit every day shooting ranges, and in bad weather the corresponding shooting ranges, firing thousands of shots a day. However, their training is not limited to this. Practicing grips, the nuances of body positioning, and improving the technique of key movements on special simulators are included in the mandatory stage of training shooters...

The next device under consideration is intended for special strength training of archers. It creates a uniform increase in force equal to, greater or less than the working force (“bow strength”). Unlike similar simulators, you can use it with the help of visual control (in the mirror) to practice aiming, misalignment of the aiming line with the line of the shot and release.

The device (Fig. 1) consists of a movable bow handle 3, a string 4, calibrated rubber bands 1, a block 6, a mirror 2, a tension regulator 5.

This device is intended for special training of an archer, for the development of strength, as well as strength endurance. The device allows you to create a uniform increase in force over the entire range of motion while simulating bowstring tension, and when performing static exercises, maximum tension in different positions of the right hand, because learning to shoot a bow without these skills and sufficient physical training is simply impossible.

The device (Fig. 2) consists of a bow handle 1, a bowstring simulator 3, a calibrated rubber band 6, blocks 2, a cable 4 and a sinker 5.

Training on the device is carried out using static exercises (holding a stretched bowstring at a distance of 6 cm from the starting position).

Portable training device for archery.

The device is intended for special strength training of an archer. Daily practice of key movements on this simulator will instill in a beginner the skill of how to shoot a bow correctly and will allow him to avoid mistakes in technique when shooting from a real weapon.

The installation (Fig. 3) consists of a bow handle 1, a bowstring simulator 2, a calibrated rubber band 3 and a force regulator 4.

Well... Now we know: with the help of what devices you can learn how to shoot a bow correctly. However, we will not limit ourselves only to the simulators discussed above, and in our subsequent articles we will definitely talk about the next new devices from the arsenal of modern Robin Hood; stay with us!

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