
A spermatocele is a cyst of the scrotum containing sperm. This cyst forms in the epididymis and may appear as a tumor above the testicle. When the cyst is aspirated using a special needle, a milky, whitish fluid containing sperm may be found. To treat spermatocele, surgical removal of the resulting cyst is performed.

Spermatocele: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

A spermatocele is a cyst in the scrotum that contains sperm. It forms in the epididymis, a tubular structure located above the testicle. A spermatocele may feel like a lump or lump located above the testicle. In many men, spermatocele causes no symptoms and is discovered incidentally during physical examination of the scrotum.

One of the main symptoms of spermatocele is the presence of a whitish milk-like fluid containing sperm. This fluid can be detected by aspiration with a special needle. In some cases, the spermatocele may be large enough to cause discomfort or pressure in the scrotum. In rare cases, it can lead to pain or enlargement of the scrotum.

The reasons for the formation of spermatocele are not always clear. However, it is believed that it may occur due to diseases or damage to the epididymis, which can lead to the formation of cysts. Spermatocele may also be associated with disturbances in the regulation of sperm production and excretion.

Treatment for spermatocele is usually not required if it does not cause any symptoms or discomfort. However, if the spermatocele becomes large or causes discomfort, surgical removal of the cyst may be necessary. Surgery can be performed using a variety of techniques, including microsurgical or laparoscopic approaches. During the operation, the cyst is removed and, if necessary, normal conditions for the passage of sperm are restored.

It is important to note that spermatocele is a benign condition and does not usually affect a man's ability to conceive. However, if you have symptoms related to the scrotum or spermatocele, it is recommended that you see a urologist for diagnosis and consultation.

In conclusion, a spermatocele is a scrotal cyst containing sperm that can cause discomfort or pressure in the scrotum. Treatment for this condition usually involves surgical removal of the cyst. If you suspect a spermatocele or other symptoms related to the scrotum, it is recommended that you see a doctor for diagnosis and advice.

A spermatocele is a cyst located in the epididymis. It may be filled with sperm and feel like a lump above the testicle. Spermatocele can occur against the background of inflammation of the epididymis or after injury. To diagnose spermatoceles, ultrasound of the scrotum is performed, as well as aspiration of the cyst, followed by examination of the resulting material. If a spermatocele is detected, surgical removal of the cyst is indicated.