
Sphincters are valves in blood vessels that regulate blood flow in the body. Scientists have long tried to figure out whether there are these valves, or rings of muscle, between the intestines and other parts of the body and, if so, how they work. The discovery of the sphincters greatly contributed to their research. The force that supports this positive process is the biotone and bioelectric activity of the sphincter. At the same time, the blood supply to the vessels of the organ is controlled and metabolic products are removed. With the development of any disease, the work of the sphincter is disrupted, metabolic processes slow down. It is these disorders that cause symptoms in a number of diseases, such as GERD (esophagitis, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease). The use of the research method stimulates blood flow, reduces the risk of infectious diseases and vitamin B12 deficiency in gastroenterological patients, improves the development and growth of developing organs (liver, kidneys).

Features of the technique include