Spoiled Child

Spoiled Child

Excessive gentleness, as well as constant severity in education, is unacceptable. There must be a golden mean in everything. Both severity and gentleness should be used by parents as necessary.

By indulging the child in all his whims, parents thereby spoil his character. It doesn't take a visionary to predict that he will be a spoiled, selfish man with inflated self-esteem. It is difficult for such people to get along with others, they do not evoke sympathy.

The child gets used to the fact that he is not denied anything, everything comes very easily. When his parents try to deny him something, a scandal arises.

Nobody says that a child needs to be kept at bay. But some restrictions will be useful. So, you should accustom your child to the fact that he will not receive gifts so often. Let him feel that he must earn them. It is necessary to make it clear that everything in this life is achieved only through labor.

If a situation arises in which you need to show strength of character, you should show it. Weakness and gentleness will be perceived by the child as a guide to permissiveness in further actions. Many parents think that by stopping their child’s whims, by forbidding him something, they will lose his love. On the contrary, by indulging him in everything, they will only lose his respect and teach him to treat himself as a consumerist.

You need to be able to combine strictness and gentleness in upbringing, and only then can you raise your child to be a harmoniously developed personality.