Sport for sex

Sports for sex: how training improves the quality of life in the intimate sphere

Sex life can be a problem for many women, especially after 40 years of age. Chronic fatigue, stress and other factors can reduce interest in sex and worsen its quality. However, scientists from the University of Vermont (USA) offer an unusual solution to this problem - playing sports.

Studies have shown that women aged 40-45 who exercise 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes have a more satisfying sex life. This is due to the fact that playing sports can increase self-esteem, energize and create an optimistic outlook on life. All this, in turn, has a positive effect on the relationship in a couple and on the level of satisfaction in the intimate sphere.

In addition to improving self-esteem and energy levels, exercise can have other positive effects on women's health. For example, regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In addition, exercise can improve blood circulation and increase clitoral sensitivity, which can enhance sensations during sex and improve the quality of sex. It's also worth noting that regular exercise can help control weight and improve body shape, which can increase self-confidence and improve your sense of self.

As a result, sports can become one of the key factors influencing the quality of life in the intimate sphere. Regular exercise can help improve self-esteem, boost energy and improve your mood, which is important for maintaining a healthy relationship as a couple. Therefore, if you are faced with problems in your sex life, do not forget about sports - this can be a real salvation for your intimate life.