Sportswear that burns fat has appeared

British brand Zaggora has released HotPants - tight-fitting training pants that help you shed extra pounds. After two years of development, these clothes became available to everyone. The company promises that its products will help improve the effectiveness of exercise and speed up the metabolic rate after just 30 minutes of exercise. It also allows you to burn 18% more calories than usual and significantly increases sweating.

Zaggora clothing works by harnessing the body's natural heat during physical activity to raise core body temperature and help burn calories. Thanks to this, you do not need to adhere to strict diets to get rid of extra pounds. According to experts, wearing clothes from Zaggora you can achieve the desired result 25% faster than usual.

At the moment, the brand has presented not only pants, but also other types of clothing to relieve women of problem areas on the hips, buttocks, calves, as well as on the waist, stomach and arms. The company is confident that its products will be a real boon for everyone who wants to be in great shape without grueling diets and tedious workouts.

Of course, it is worth noting that these clothes are not a miracle cure for weight loss, and their use should be accompanied by proper nutrition and regular exercise. However, thanks to the innovative technologies used by Zaggora, achieving the desired result has become easier and faster.

If you are interested in Zaggora brand products, then you should know that the price for pants and leggings ranges from 420 to 980 UAH, for a top - 420 UAH, for a T-shirt - 700 UAH, and for a blazer - from 1120 to 1300 UAH. Despite the rather high price, many girls have already appreciated the benefits of this clothing and continue to use it to achieve their goals.