Standing point and panacea for weight loss.

Food is actually nothing more than fuel for the human body: in order to live, he needs to eat. The fundamental law of the universe - the law of conservation of energy and matter - has a direct and immediate relationship to man. Our body cannot obtain energy from the air (all sorts of yogis, voodoo, shamans and mystics do not count), earth (it is inedible for us) and fire (in this function it is destructive for us). Water, of course, is a source of life, but it does not contain nutrients, therefore, cannot be transformed into energy. In fact, the only source of energy balance in the human body is food, which consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other elements...

But often we use this natural fuel incorrectly, without noticing it at all... And we manage to come to our senses only once by standing on the scales and seeing the arrow going off scale... After this, a long and dreary epic of searching for that same panacea for rapid weight loss begins. Does it even exist - a panacea for weight loss?

Well, it is precisely with the goal of finding the answer to this unfortunate question that this section of our website was created, which describes different diets, weight loss techniques, principles and laws of how our body works and other interesting things related to the process of correcting our weight...

As you probably already know, there is a very wide variety of different diets in the world. All of them are diverse and unique, but they all have some similar features that you need to know about, and it is these that we will talk about today...

  1. What is a standing point?
  2. Water and weight loss.
  3. Excess water in tissues is due to salt.
  4. Alcohol also affects our weight.
  5. Water and weight loss in a woman’s life.

As a rule, a well-chosen diet is considered the panacea for weight loss. To one degree or another, 87% of people who aim to put an end to excess weight once and for all resort to this method. But almost all of these people, a month after starting the diet, notice that their weight has stopped at one level and is no longer decreasing. There are several reasons for this.

At some point, the body stops releasing previously accumulated fat reserves. This is where the self-preservation mechanism comes into play. What if there is hunger? What if there is a war? Are there any reasons to stock up for a rainy day? An expert nutritionist calls this very moment: the standing point. In other words, the weight that was falling until this time now freezes at a certain stable level.

At some point our body understands: it has been offered other conditions of existence that are noticeably different from the previous ones. He is not at all adapted to them, so he tries by all means to save what is familiar to him. The body does not want to return its fat reserves and switches to a rhythm of spending its calories more economically. At the same time, being at the point of standing, the metabolic process slows down: body temperature drops by hundredths of a degree, you want to sleep longer, dress warmer, rest more, and also move more slowly.

At this point, the main thing is not to give up what you started earlier. If your weight has decreased, then the diet is effective. Some time will pass - a month or maybe two - and it will resume its effect again. Generally speaking, our body even needs such short breaks. He needs to get used to the changes that have been created, digest and realize that now it will always be like this. The range of addiction can be slightly reduced, for example, by changing the program of your daily physical activity or lifestyle. If a person first worked out on exercise machines, and then on a treadmill or bicycle, now, on the contrary, he first needs to train on a treadmill or bicycle, and only then on exercise machines. If, for example, you did days off (fasting) on ​​Monday, now do them on Tuesday or, for example, Thursday.

Water and weight loss.

The most common root cause of all our disorders associated with the weighing process is stagnation of water in the tissues. We all know that our (and any other) body consists of 80% water. It is the water in the tissues in excess that causes additional kilograms on your scales. And it is delayed for certain reasons, by avoiding which you will be able to get rid of excess weight with a high percentage of probability.

Excess water in tissues is due to salt.

The first reason may be the consumption of large amounts of salty and spicy foods. In fact, table salt (or scientifically: sodium chloride) is present in our body in the form of a so-called isotonic solution with an average concentration of 0.9-1%. This means that every additional gram of salt will hold half a glass of water with it before leaving our body. Accordingly, just 10 g of salt will hold as much as a whole liter of water, which will provoke an increase in our weight by one kilogram - and this, as you understand, is already serious weight...

Alcohol also affects our weight.

Another reason for water retention in the body can be alcohol consumption. This is about beer and similar “delights”. Our body does not need alcoholic drinks at all. And intoxication, which some value so much for the opportunity to liberate themselves, is simply a consequence of the toxic effects of alcohol on our body. To avoid poisoning, a signal is sent to the brain: “thirst” - and we really want to drink. Simply put, alcohol, as well as its breakdown products, require diluting them with water to some less toxic concentration.

Thirdly, many women experience an increase in the accumulation of water in the tissues of the body in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, or in other words: one to two weeks before the next period. Often, fluctuations in a woman’s weight associated with her cycle can be very significant and sometimes reach 3-5 kg. And here is another interesting point: the result of a short, for example just a week, weight loss course often depends on the stage of the cycle at which the woman began to lose weight.

Now that you have become familiar with the general rules by which you should organize your weight loss process, you can proceed directly to studying diets that will help you in your relentless struggle for ideal weight and a beautiful figure.

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