Stadalax International

Stadalax is the international name for a drug called Bisacodyl. This drug is a synthetic laxative. It is used to treat chronic constipation of various etiologies.

Manufacturer: Stada Arzenoitel (Germany). International name - Bisa

Lazy bowel syndrome? Or how to cleanse the intestines before childbirth? Want to taste hay and wood? Then you are at the right place! Bisacodyl tablets are a synthetic laxative drug. And it is sold in every medicine cabinet in our area!

Many have heard that it should not be taken during pregnancy because it is dangerous for the fetus. It really shouldn't be eaten in the months before pregnancy and the first three months of pregnancy. But what if you have constipation? Or diarrhea? What to do if you are giving birth tonight? Be carefull!

Bisacodyl laxatives are prohibited throughout the civilized world except Russia. Here it is sold to all doctors, nurses