Heel-Knee Test

The heel-knee test in the practice of a neurologist **Introduction:** The heel-knee (heel-foot) test is a proprioceptive test for diagnosing ataxia (motor coordination disorder). It is performed with the patient lying in a horizontal position with his eyes closed or staring intently at a point on the ceiling. During the test, the lower limb moves up and down between two points of support.

Normally, touching the anterior edge of the upper arch of the foot causes reflex plantar flexion of the leg. In the presence of ataxia, plantar extension of the abduction of the leg weakens, and a change in the amplitude of movement of the foot occurs such that the heel does not reach the medial epicondyle of the femur. In addition, the values ​​of hypermetry indicators decrease. A positive test result indicates damage to the midbrain, pons, cerebellum, medulla oblongata or lateral column of the spinal cord; their pathologies can be observed in patients with ischemic stroke. A paretic upper limb is most likely due to lower motor neuron injury. Sensory impairments in the leg are tested in the same way as motor impairments. These results are used to create visualizations of movements, as well as to create homunculi.

Indications: The heel-foot test reveals a violation of the perception of the direction and speed of movements in space. For full testing, at the initial stage they check the opposition of the limbs, rotation of the body to different sides, stepping over an obstacle, opening and closing doors, lifting and releasing objects. The patient is in various positions - lying, sitting, standing. As a rule, the coordination of movements of the arms is assessed first, then the legs. During the study, the patient is asked to think about completely relaxing. This allows you to minimize concentration on changes in body position.

Contraindications: Decortication, depression, stress, neuroses. Those who cannot concentrate on one task for a long time should refuse to take the test. In addition, the test requires peace, absence of noise and the presence of soft material to place the lower limb being tested. Relaxation may reduce the symptoms of ataxia. During the study, it is necessary to ensure that there is no narrowing between

Title: Heel-knee test - a method for diagnosing ataxia.

The heel-knee test is one of the methods for determining ataxia (hypokinesia). It is based on the task of moving the foot to the bottom of the shin, that is, placing the heel bone on the shin. The patient lies on his back