State Medicine (Social Medicine)

State Medicine (Social Medicine) is a system of measures to protect public health, organized and financed by the state. It includes:

  1. Prevention of diseases through mandatory medical examinations, vaccinations, and health education.

  2. Treatment in public clinics and hospitals.

  3. Rehabilitation and follow-up of chronic patients.

  4. Providing the population with medicines.

  5. Training of medical personnel.

  6. Scientific medical research.

  7. Sanitary supervision and control.

Thus, public medicine is designed to provide affordable and high-quality medical care for the entire population of the country. It is an important component of social policy and healthcare of any civilized state.

Public health care is a form of organizing medical care in the country, in which treatment and preventive institutions are created and maintained, financed from the budget. In the public health care system, patients receive medical care in state or municipal institutions and only under state guarantees, supplemented by personal expenses. However, this system suffers from insufficient availability of quality medical