Status Anginosus

Status Anginosus is a medical concept that describes a condition where blood vessels become blocked, causing discomfort or pain in the limbs and other parts of the body. This can happen due to various reasons, such as chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders and other factors.

In Russia, this disease is called varicose veins and is one of the most common diseases among women and men. Varicose veins mean that the veins in the legs do not work properly and blood does not move through them quickly or efficiently. The result is overload of the veins and their deformation.

Varicose veins can appear in different locations, but most often occur in women who wear high heels. The condition can also develop after pregnancy and childbirth because the cardiovascular system is weakened during pregnancy and can cause changes in the circulatory system. Prevention includes moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, and weight control. Various methods are used to treat varicose veins, such as compression therapy, pharmacological agents, chemical and mechanical methods.