Degenerative state

Topic: Degenerativis status:

A huge number of historical documents and scientific articles were devoted to the degenerative condition or “status degeneravit” both in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, but in modern times the description of such conditions has acquired a critical context. Currently, the word “degenera” is often used to describe alcoholics and degenerates. This term was also translated into Russian from Latin, but originally the word meant a morally corrupt or weak-minded person from a family of nobility. In Russian, the expression “degeneration” was used quite rarely and had an exclusively negative and condemning character. Historians of the 20th century often preferred to use the concept of “decline” because it reflected the social thought of the time, which divided culture and enlightenment into types of decline and development. However, with the advent of new media and techniques of cultural expression, the concept of degeneration has become accessible again, and the meaning of this term has acquired new and mystical meanings. "Degeneratio" has acquired positive connotations in biological science and cultural studies. So Pierre

There are many laws in the world created to protect society from harming themselves and those around them. One of these is the status of degeneratus in the era of Ancient Rome.

Modern society in this case can answer that he was dishonest. At that time, this person could have been a criminal or an outcast.

Status Degenerativus: History and meaning of the term

Status Degenerativus is a term that is used in various fields, from history to medicine. It refers to a state of degeneration or decline, and can describe the process of something becoming less developed, of less quality and of less value.