
In psychology, the term “engram” means the memory of a traumatic event that negatively affected our psyche and triggered negative attitudes. Events that may be defined as traumatic are not necessarily such as violence that a person has experienced. These could be words or phrases, an unflattering remark, negative emotions, or something else. The important thing is that the psyche reproduces the traumatic moment completely, in the context of the circumstances when the person experienced it, and in the current time. But let's get back to the topic, actually. Wikipedia states that an engram is a structure in the central nervous system that is responsible for storing and reproducing experiences. The structure is a synthesis of information, emotions, bodily sensations, physical characteristics and habits. Negative emotions associated with a traumatic event form stereotypes of behavior and thinking, and change the quality of perception of the world and oneself. It is important to understand that the physiological phenomenon of an engram should not predetermine the psychophysical characteristics of a particular person.