
Stenosphysia (Greek στένοσφυξία - “compression”) is one of the types of philia, a manifestation of love for the objective world in the form of unreasonable attachment, falling in love with an object, a limited fanatical attitude towards it. The immediate manifestations of the stenophilic stage are hyperbophization of any signs of an object, isolation on the subject, and complete absorption by it. Stenophysical dualism, (Stenotephanian dualism) - consistent recognition of the existence of one single object as the only true and beautiful, denial of all other objects or phenomena. This point of view is due to the fact that the presence of a more attractive object means the destruction of the original perception of the initially chosen object. A detailed study of stenophism has not been revealed. According to the definition of stenophysical researchers, the identification of stenophysical criterion is related to the subject and is compiled according to certain parameters. The peculiarity of this understanding is that any scheme becomes obvious in its limitations, a manifestation of affection.