
**Stereognosis: using accommodation to determine distance to an object**

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Our eyes are able to see objects at a distance thanks to **accommodation**. Accommodation is the ability of the eye to adapt to the perception of an object located at different distances from our face. If an object is closer to the eye than our eye can accommodate, we perceive it blurred, whereas if it is further away, our vision becomes sharper and clearer. Perception by accommodation is an important function of the eye, in which the eye can adapt to both near and far objects. For this function to function properly, we must strengthen it on a constant basis so that our eyes become stronger and more capable of distinguishing objects at distant distances, despite our nearsightedness or farsightedness. <заголовок: основные виды стереотиоза, примеры, по которым можно научиться определять расстояния между предметами>

\- Monocular: when objects are viewed through natural eyelids. This type helps us estimate the distance of relatively close objects (no more than a few meters) or extended forms.