
Hypovitaminosis is usually called a condition of the body in which there are not enough vitamins to meet the needs of the normal functioning of the body under normal conditions. There are hypovitaminoses of the vitamin B group and the vitamin C group.

Vitamin deficiency is determined by the symptoms that appear in the patient, as well as by blood tests. With a lack of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis is an acute or chronic deficiency of vitamins.

Acute hypovitaminosis develops with prolonged intake of insufficient amounts of vitamins into the body. Most often it occurs during fasting and a rich diet, especially for a long time. Acute hypovitaminosis is also promoted by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by weight loss, burns of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and chronic renal failure. Acute hypovitaminosis is often accompanied by the development of dystrophic disorders in internal organs and tissues. Use medications containing ascorbic acid, rutin or vitamin A with caution during exacerbation of gastritis. Possible irritation of the gastric mucosa