
Do you know what is the reason for the content of vitamins in the body? First of all, these are provitamins. Provitamin translated from Latin means “vitamins”. There are no “pure” vitamins in living nature, with the exception of ubiquinone. All biologically active compounds of living organisms are vitamins or precede them - provitamins. Some of them are considered vitamin-like substances, among which are the well-known D and panthenic acid, which is also called a vitamin precursor.

If we know about such a relationship between vitamins and provitamins, we may have the erroneous opinion that provitamins are inferior carriers of biological activity. However, scientific research proves their undoubted importance for human health. A scientific group involved in the development of biologically active food additives took part in the study. During the entire experiment, the participants followed a special diet, that is, they adhered to the principle of proper nutrition. The participants were divided into two groups: the first received drugs containing provitamins (A, E and C), the second group received a placebo - drugs without provitamins. The results of the experiment indicated the superiority of the second group over the first. This was partly explained by such deficiencies in the diet of the subjects as a deficiency of provitamins A and E. These provitamin substances are designed to maintain the youth and beauty of the human body, but in our modern world this is increasingly difficult to achieve. There are cases when provitamin therapy is necessary as an additional element of treatment to get rid of some serious diseases. There are many of them: disorders of the immune system, digestive and endocrine systems, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, polycystic ovary syndrome, various types of abnormalities in pregnant women.