Stigma Degenerative Physical

**Stigmas of degeneration physical** - these terms were previously used by doctors in various medical studies. They concerned the study of ailments, their symptoms and signs in order to determine diseases or physical traits in connection with the supposed causes of degradation and loss of health in the physical plane. The point was to identify specific signs for making diagnoses of various types of ailments.

Such stigmas were reflected on the skin, internal organs, and also affected hair, teeth, nails, tissues and organs. For the individual patient it looked somewhat strange, did not cause any harm and had little to do with a healthy life. Problems were found under a microscope in a medical laboratory, the pathological anatomy of such organs was studied, and data was collected on the entire family. This was important and useful for diagnosing many diseases and abnormalities.

The definition of “stigmata”, “stigma” meant only external symptoms of a disease or manifestations of degeneration in the body, therefore the word “degenerative”

In modern medicine and modern sociology, "stigmas" are physical health deficiencies that, according to the generally accepted modern point of view, arise due to hereditary factors or "natural causes." These deficiencies are physical injuries or deviations from the “norm” whose origin cannot be determined through empirical research. The term "degenerative" is used to refer to "hereditary or congenital health problems" that may manifest differently depending on the individual. Hereditary diseases in children are often noted in the birth register as "birth defects" without attempting to determine whether they are the result of poor conditions during pregnancy or were inherited